Dom & dom jednorodzinny (Na sprzedaż)
/ 0366
In the Umbrian Apennines, stands out this ancient fortress for sale built starting from the XII century. The construction of the castle, began in the Middle Ages but the structure has three distinct original architectural nuclei which represent the three different historical periods in which the residence was built: the medieval era dating from the 12th century, the Renaissance between the 15th and 16th centuries and the Gothic era dating back to the 19th century. The caste includes 8.500 sq m of land with a centuries-old park planted with tall trees and a garden with statues, living rooms, paths and garden benches in iron and cast iron, sloping terraces and a swimming pool surrounded by ancient Venetian marble statues depicting the Four Seasons with a large thermal hydro-massage bath with chromotherapy and aromatherapy. Ref.: 0366 https://www.lionard.com/exclusive-italian-real-estate-luxury-properties-for-sale.html
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Quest'antica fortezza costruita a partire dal XII secolo, avvolta ancora oggi dal fascino delle storie dei cavalieri feudali, sorge su una collina nel cuore dell'Appennino Umbro. Sebbene la costruzione del castello ebbe inizio in epoca medievale, la struttura presenta tre nuclei architettonici originali distinti in rappresentanza delle tre diverse epoche storiche in cui questa residenza storica è stata costruita : l'epoca medievale risalente al XII secolo, l'epoca rinascimentale tra il XV ed il XVI secolo e l'epoca gotica risalente al XIX secolo. Un terreno di 8500 mq confinante con la Valle del Tevere fa da cornice alle mura del castello in vendita con un parco secolare piantumato con alberi d'alto fusto (lecci e querce) ed un giardino con statue, vialetti, salotti e panche da giardino in ferro e ghisa. Il giardino a terrazzamenti degradanti arriva fino ai piedi delle mura di cinta, dove una bellissima piscina è circondata da antiche statue di marmo alla veneziana raffiguranti le Quattro Stagioni. Adiacente alla piscina prende spazio una grande vasca idromassagggio termale con cromoterapia e aromaterapia. Negli ultimi anni l'affascinante residenza d'epoca è stata sottoposta ad importanti ed abili opere di restauro che non ne hanno alterato l'autenticità, bensì ne hanno mantenuto il pregio architettonico e storico-artistico originario. Proprio per queste particolarità, questo incantevole castello in Umbria è stato sottoposto alla tutela della Sovrintendenza per i Beni Artistici, Storici ed Architettonici della regione. Rif. 0366 https://www.lionard.com/it/castello-vendita-residenza-d-epoca-perugia.html
Недалеко от Рима выставлен на продажу старинный замок XII века, расположенный на холме. Строительство замка началось в средневековую эпоху, но сегодня сооружение имеет три структуры cсредневекового, возрожденческого и готического периодов. В недавнем времени комплекс был отреставрирован, сохранив при этом свою художественно-архитектурную ценность. К нему прилегает участок в 8500 кв. м, отведенный под парк. На участке выстроен бассейн, а также беседка с зоной отдыха. Интерьеры замка отличаются средневековой обстановкой и декорациями, воссоздавая атмосферу феодальной эпохи. Просторные приемные салоны, залы с расписными потолками и крестовыми сводами, венецианские люстры разных эпох и ослепительные спальни – в то же время оснащенные всеми условиями современного комфорта – идеально подойдут для любителей старины и роскоши. Ссылка: 0366 https://www.lionard.com/ru/italiya-zamki-prodazha.html
In the Umbrian Apennines, stands out this ancient fortress for sale built starting from the XII century. The construction of the castle, began in the Middle Ages but the structure has three distinct original architectural nuclei which represent the three different historical periods in which the residence was built: the medieval era dating from the 12th century, the Renaissance between the 15th and 16th centuries and the Gothic era dating back to the 19th century. The caste includes 8.500 sq m of land with a centuries-old park planted with tall trees and a garden with statues, living rooms, paths and garden benches in iron and cast iron, sloping terraces and a swimming pool surrounded by ancient Venetian marble statues depicting the Four Seasons with a large thermal hydro-massage bath with chromotherapy and aromatherapy. Ref.: 0366 https://www.lionard.com/exclusive-italian-real-estate-luxury-properties-for-sale.html
Typ ogłoszenia:
Na sprzedaż
Typ nieruchomości:
Dom & dom jednorodzinny
Wielkość nieruchomości:
2 500 m²
Miasto |
Średnia cena m2 dom |
Średnia cena apartament |
Arezzo | 7 882 PLN | 7 903 PLN |
Marche | 6 390 PLN | 9 130 PLN |
Włochy | 6 980 PLN | 9 336 PLN |
Toskania | 10 099 PLN | 11 195 PLN |
Abruzja | 4 971 PLN | 7 258 PLN |
Lacjum | 8 290 PLN | 13 256 PLN |
Pescara | 5 640 PLN | 7 765 PLN |
Lukka | 10 475 PLN | 11 997 PLN |
Bastia | - | 11 694 PLN |
Górna Korsyka | 12 365 PLN | 12 918 PLN |
Wenecja | 15 273 PLN | 19 439 PLN |
Korsyka | 13 588 PLN | 13 927 PLN |