695 523 PLN
737 676 PLN
843 059 PLN
737 676 PLN
821 982 PLN
843 059 PLN
Nin has a 3000-year history that is not only written in history books, but you literally walk through it or learn about it from the rich museum collections. It was founded by the Illyrian tribe Liburni in the 9th century BC. It's called Aenona. Nin was the first political, religious and cultural center of medieval Croatia. It is also the oldest Croatian royal town.
It houses the smallest cathedral in the world and the coronation church of St. Peter. Nikola. It has a rich cultural treasury and preserved nature and an exceptionally beautiful environment.
It is a European destination of excellence. It has healing mud that reliably cures many diseases. It also has a salt pan in which production here in front of your eyes, and today is based on a thousand-year-old tradition. If you touch the thumb of the statue of Gregory of Nin – says tradition – you have ensured happiness. One foreign portal listed him among the ten most attractive symbols of luck in the world.Nature and man made it a pleasant holiday town, interesting because of its rich historical heritage and excellent for health. It is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. According to the American Travel Channel, Queen's Beach is listed among the 100 most beautiful beaches in the world. It is the longest Croatian sandy beach, and near the beach it is the largest locality of healing mud in Croatia. Due to the shallow and warm sea, it is especially attractive to families with babies and small children and elderly people, and outside the main season it is a favorite place for long romantic walks.The town of Nin includes 6 settlements, namely: Nin, Zaton, Grbe, Ninski Stanovi, Poljica-Brig and Žerava. Nin is 9.3 mi from Zadar.ID CODE: 300501026-3Jelena Klanac Marasović
Agent s licencom
Mob: 099 598 6603
Tel: 023299096
E-mail: j.k.marasovic@remax.hr
https://www.remax.hr/Complete1 Zobacz więcej Zobacz mniej Location: Zadarska županija, Nin, Zaton.Das Apartment S7 besteht aus einem Flur, einem Schlafzimmer, einer Küche, einem Wohnzimmer, einem Esszimmer, zwei überdachten Terrassen, einem Abstellraum, einem Flur und einem Badezimmer. Die gesamte Innengrundrissfläche der Wohnung mit Terrassen beträgt 53,37 m2.Das Apartment S7 ist mit hochwertigen Sanitäranlagen, Keramikfliesen, elektrischer Fußbodenheizung in den Bädern und Klimaanlagen ausgestattet.Der Einzug ist für Sommer 2025 geplant.Da die Immobilie Eigentum einer juristischen Person ist, ist der Käufer von der Zahlung der Immobilienumsatzsteuer befreit.Zur Wohnung gehört ein Parkplatz.Die Entfernung zum Meer beträgt 100 m. Das Gebäude besteht aus Erdgeschoss, 1. und 2. Etage mit Dachterrassen von insgesamt 10 Wohneinheiten mit Aufzug. Bei dem Gebäude handelt es sich um einen Neubau.NINNin hat eine 3.000-jährige Geschichte, die nicht nur in Geschichtsbüchern festgehalten ist, sondern Sie können sie auch buchstäblich durchwandern oder in den reichen Museumssammlungen etwas darüber erfahren. Es wurde im 9. Jahrhundert v. Chr. vom illyrischen Stamm Liburni gegründet. namens Aenona. Nin war das erste politische, religiöse und kulturelle Zentrum des mittelalterlichen Kroatiens. Es ist auch die älteste kroatische Königsstadt.Sie verfügt über die kleinste Kathedrale der Welt und die Krönungskirche St. Nikolaus. Es verfügt über einen reichen Kulturschatz, eine erhaltene Natur und eine außergewöhnlich schöne Umgebung.
Es ist ein europäisches Exzellenzziel. Es verfügt über Heilschlamm, der viele Krankheiten zuverlässig heilt. Es gibt auch ein Salzhaus, in dem die Produktion direkt vor Ihren Augen noch auf einer tausendjährigen Tradition basiert. Wenn man den Daumen der Statue von Gregor von Nin berührt, ist – so heißt es in der Überlieferung – Glück garantiert. Darüber hinaus wurde es von einem ausländischen Portal zu den zehn attraktivsten Glückssymbolen der Welt gezählt.Natur und Mensch haben daraus eine angenehme Urlaubsstadt gemacht, die aufgrund ihres reichen historischen Erbes interessant und hervorragend für die Gesundheit ist. Es hat einen der schönsten Strände der Welt. Laut der Wahl des American Travel Channel gehört Kraljičina plaža zu den 100 schönsten Stränden der Welt. Es ist der längste Sandstrand Kroatiens und in der Nähe des Strandes befindet sich die größte Heilschlamm-Fundstelle Kroatiens. Aufgrund des flachen und warmen Meeres ist es besonders für Familien mit Babys und Kleinkindern sowie für ältere Menschen attraktiv und außerhalb der Hauptsaison ein beliebter Ort für lange romantische Spaziergänge.Die Stadt Nin umfasst 6 Siedlungen, nämlich: Nin, Zaton, Grbe, Ninski Stanovi, Poljica-Brig und Žerava. Nin liegt 15 km von Zadar entfernt.ID CODE: 300501026-3Jelena Klanac Marasović
Agent s licencom
Mob: 099 598 6603
Tel: 023299096
E-mail: j.k.marasovic@remax.hr
https://www.remax.hr/Complete1 Location: Zadarska županija, Nin, Zaton.Stan S7 se sastoji od hodnika, jedne spavaće sobe, kuhinje, dnevnog boravka, blagovaonice, dvije natkrivene terase, degažmana, predsoblja i kupaonice. Sveukupna unutarnja tlocrtna površina stana sa terasama je 53.37 m2.Stan S7 je opremljen sanitarijama visoke kvalitete, keramičkim pločicama, električnim podnim grijanjem u kupaonicama i klima uređajima.Useljenje je predviđeno na ljeto 2025. godine.Nekretnina je u vlasništvu pravne osobe, pa je kupac oslobođen plaćanja poreza na promet nekretninama.Stanu pripadaju jedno parkirno mjesto.Udaljenost od mora je 100 m. Zgrada se sastoji od prizemlja, 1. i 2. kata sa krovnim terasama od ukupno 10 stambenih jedinica sa liftom. Zgrada je u novogradnji.NINNin ima čak 3000 godina dugu povijest koja nije zapisana samo u povijesnim knjigama, već njome doslovno hodate ili o njoj učite iz bogatih muzejskih zbirki. Osnovalo ga je ilirsko pleme Liburni u 9. stoljeću pr.n.e. pod nazivom Aenona. Nin je bio prvo političko, vjersko i kulturno središte srednjovjekovne Hrvatske. Također je, najstariji hrvatski kraljevski grad.U njemu je najmanja katedrala na svijetu i krunidbena crkva sv. Nikole. Ima bogatu kulturnu riznicu i očuvanu prirodu te izvanredno lijep okoliš.
On je europsko odredište izvrsnosti. Ima ljekovito blato koje pouzdano liječi mnoge bolesti. Ima i solanu u kojoj se proizvodnja tu pred vašim očima, i danas temelji na tisućljetnoj tradiciji. Dodirnete li palac kipa Grgura Ninskog – kaže predaja – osigurali ste sreću. Štoviše, jedan ga je inozemni portal uvrstio među deset najatraktivnijih svjetskih simbola sreće.Priroda i čovjek učinili su ga gradićem ugodnim za odmor, zanimljivim zbog bogate povijesne baštine i odličnim za zdravlje. U njemu je jedna od najljepših svjetskih plaža. Prema izboru američkog Travel Channela Kraljičina plaža uvrštena je među 100 najljepših plaža svijeta. Najduža je hrvatska pješčana plaža, a u blizini plaže najveći je lokalitet ljekovitog blata u Hrvatskoj. Zbog plitkog i toplog mora posebno je privlačna obiteljima s bebama i malom djecom te ljudima starije životne dobi, a izvan glavne sezone omiljeno je mjesto za duge romantične šetnje.U sastav grada Nina ulazi 6 naselja, to su: Nin, Zaton, Grbe, Ninski Stanovi, Poljica-Brig i Žerava. Nin je udaljen 15 km od Zadra.ID KOD AGENCIJE: 300501026-3Jelena Klanac Marasović
Agent s licencom
Mob: 099 598 6603
Tel: 023299096
E-mail: j.k.marasovic@remax.hr
https://www.remax.hr/Complete1 Location: Zadarska županija, Nin, Zaton. Location: Zadarska županija, Nin, Zaton.Apartment S7 consists of a hallway, one bedroom, kitchen, living room, dining room, two covered terraces, degažman, hallway and bathroom. The total interior floor area of the apartment with terraces is 53.37 m2.Apartment S7 is equipped with high quality sanitary ware, ceramic tiles, electric underfloor heating in bathrooms and air conditioning.Moving in is scheduled for the summer of 2025.The property is owned by a legal entity, so the buyer is exempt from paying real estate transfer tax.The apartment has one parking space.Distance from the sea is 100 m. The building consists of ground floor, 1st and 2nd floor with roof terraces of a total of 10 residential units with elevator. The building is in a new building.NIN
Nin has a 3000-year history that is not only written in history books, but you literally walk through it or learn about it from the rich museum collections. It was founded by the Illyrian tribe Liburni in the 9th century BC. It's called Aenona. Nin was the first political, religious and cultural center of medieval Croatia. It is also the oldest Croatian royal town.
It houses the smallest cathedral in the world and the coronation church of St. Peter. Nikola. It has a rich cultural treasury and preserved nature and an exceptionally beautiful environment.
It is a European destination of excellence. It has healing mud that reliably cures many diseases. It also has a salt pan in which production here in front of your eyes, and today is based on a thousand-year-old tradition. If you touch the thumb of the statue of Gregory of Nin – says tradition – you have ensured happiness. One foreign portal listed him among the ten most attractive symbols of luck in the world.Nature and man made it a pleasant holiday town, interesting because of its rich historical heritage and excellent for health. It is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. According to the American Travel Channel, Queen's Beach is listed among the 100 most beautiful beaches in the world. It is the longest Croatian sandy beach, and near the beach it is the largest locality of healing mud in Croatia. Due to the shallow and warm sea, it is especially attractive to families with babies and small children and elderly people, and outside the main season it is a favorite place for long romantic walks.The town of Nin includes 6 settlements, namely: Nin, Zaton, Grbe, Ninski Stanovi, Poljica-Brig and Žerava. Nin is 9.3 mi from Zadar.ID CODE: 300501026-3Jelena Klanac Marasović
Agent s licencom
Mob: 099 598 6603
Tel: 023299096
E-mail: j.k.marasovic@remax.hr