505 372 PLN
802 m²
On the plot, it is possible to build a detached residential or commercial building, maximum
three floors, maximum height 9.00 m.
The number of residential units is limited by the plan
maximum of 6 units for a higher residential building, family buildings up to two residential units
units, and more family up to four residential units.
The maximum built-up coefficient is 0.30, usability 0.90. Maximum gross
the area of the above-ground floors is not limited by the plan.
One parking space per apartment and a minimum of 20% greenery should be provided on the plot (199.60
*The minimum plot area for the construction of a detached building is 400 m2, so that
the plot can be divided into two smaller ones.
The building should be separated from the road by a minimum of 5.00 m, and from neighboring borders by 3.00 m.Electricity and water connections are on the access road, and the documentation is neat and unencumbered.
Make an appointment for details and a tour.ID CODE: 300731007-251Željka Pelc
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 98 904 6271
Tel: 023299096
E-mail: z.pelc@remax.hr
https://www.remax.hr/Complete1 Zobacz więcej Zobacz mniej Location: Šibensko-kninska županija, Tribunj, Tribunj.Ein Teil der Handlung k.o. Tribunj befindet sich in einem unbebauten Teil des Gebäudes.Die Zufahrtsstraße erfolgt über k.o. Tribun.
Auf dem Grundstück besteht die Möglichkeit, maximal ein freistehendes Wohn- oder Gewerbegebäude zu errichten
drei Etagen, maximale Höhe 9,00 m.
Die Anzahl der Wohneinheiten ist durch den Plan begrenzt
maximal 6 Einheiten für ein höheres Wohngebäude, Familiengebäude bis zu zwei Wohneinheiten
Wohneinheiten und mehr Familien bis zu vier Wohneinheiten.
Der maximale Aufbaukoeffizient beträgt 0,30, die Verwendbarkeit 0,90. Maximal brutto
die Fläche der oberirdischen Geschosse ist durch den Plan nicht begrenzt.
Auf dem Grundstück (199,60 Euro) sollte ein Stellplatz pro Wohnung und mindestens 20 % Grünfläche vorgesehen sein
*Die Mindestgrundstücksfläche für den Bau eines Einfamilienhauses beträgt 400 m2
Das Grundstück kann in zwei kleinere aufgeteilt werden.
Der Abstand des Gebäudes zur Straße sollte mindestens 5,00 m und zur angrenzenden Grundstücksgrenze 3,00 m betragen.Strom- und Wasseranschlüsse liegen an der Zufahrtsstraße, die Dokumentation ist ordentlich und unbelastet.
Vereinbaren Sie einen Termin für Details und eine Besichtigung.ID CODE: 300731007-251Željka Pelc
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 98 904 6271
Tel: 023299096
E-mail: z.pelc@remax.hr
https://www.remax.hr/Complete1 Location: Šibensko-kninska županija, Tribunj, Tribunj.Čestica parcele k.o. Tribunj nalazi se u građevinskom neizgrađenom dijelu.Pristupni put ostvaruje preko k.o. Tribunj.
Na parceli je moguće raditi samostojeću stambenu ili stambeno poslovnu zgradu, maksimalne
katnosti tri etaže, maksimalne visine 9,00 m.
Broj stambenih jedinica planom ograničen
maksimalno na 6 jedinica za vise stambenu zgradu, obiteljske zgrade do dvije stambene
jedinice, a više obiteljske do četiri stambene jedinice.
Maksimalni koeficijent izgrađenosti iznosi 0,30, iskoristivosti 0,90. Maksimalna bruto
površina nadzemnih etaža planom nije ograničena.
Na parceli treba osigurati jedno parkirno mjesto po stanu te minimalno 20% zelenila (199,60
*Minimalna površina parcele za gradnju samostojećeg objekta iznosi 400 m2, tako da se
parcela može podjeliti i u dvije manje.
Građevinu treba udaljiti od prometnice minimalno 5,00, a od susjednih međa na 3,00 m.Prikljuci struje i vode su na pristupno putu, a dokumentacija uredna i bez tereta.
Za detalje i razgled dogovorite termin.ID KOD AGENCIJE: 300731007-251Željka Pelc
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 98 904 6271
Tel: 023299096
E-mail: z.pelc@remax.hr
https://www.remax.hr/Complete1 Location: Šibensko-kninska županija, Tribunj, Tribunj. Location: Šibensko-kninska županija, Tribunj, Tribunj.Part of the plot k.o. Tribunj is located in an undeveloped part of the building.The access road is made through k.o. Tribune.
On the plot, it is possible to build a detached residential or commercial building, maximum
three floors, maximum height 9.00 m.
The number of residential units is limited by the plan
maximum of 6 units for a higher residential building, family buildings up to two residential units
units, and more family up to four residential units.
The maximum built-up coefficient is 0.30, usability 0.90. Maximum gross
the area of the above-ground floors is not limited by the plan.
One parking space per apartment and a minimum of 20% greenery should be provided on the plot (199.60
*The minimum plot area for the construction of a detached building is 400 m2, so that
the plot can be divided into two smaller ones.
The building should be separated from the road by a minimum of 5.00 m, and from neighboring borders by 3.00 m.Electricity and water connections are on the access road, and the documentation is neat and unencumbered.
Make an appointment for details and a tour.ID CODE: 300731007-251Željka Pelc
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 98 904 6271
Tel: 023299096
E-mail: z.pelc@remax.hr