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Dom & dom jednorodzinny for sale in Wielkie Tyrnowo

323 736 PLN

Dom & dom jednorodzinny (Na sprzedaż)

Źródło: EDEN-T96474080 / 96474080
Imoti Consult offers for sale a house in the village of Belyakovets. The village is only 10 minutes away. from the center of the Old Capital Veliko Tarnovo and established itself as one of the most popular and desirable places for both permanent living and weekend recreation. On the territory of the village of Belyakovets there is a full-day kindergarten, a functioning community center, many shops, restaurants and regular transport. The house we offer has two floors, with a new annex / bathroom and toilet / and the total built-up area is 70 sq.m, with a cellar, a room and a corridor on the first floor. External steps lead to the second floor, where there are three rooms, a corridor and a glazed terrace. The yard to the property is flat with an area of 710 sq.m and there is a well, fruit trees and a green area for rest and relaxation. The house is in the very center of the village, bordered by an asphalt street is easily accessible throughout the year. The property needs major renovation, but given its location, it is an excellent offer to create a permanent home where you can enjoy fresh air, peace and quiet near the city. Do not miss this advantageous offer! Ref. No. 5395 Zobacz więcej Zobacz mniej Имоти Консулт Ви предлага за продажба къща в с.Беляковец. Селото се намира само на 10 мин. от Центъра на Старопрестолния град Велико Търново и се наложи като едно от най-популярните и желани места, както за постоянно живеене, така и за отдих през уикенда. На територията на с. Беляковец има целодневна детска градина, действащо читалище, множество магазини, заведения и редовен транспорт. Къщата, която Ви предлагаме е на два етажа, с една нова пристройка/баня и тоалетна/ и общата застроена площ е 70 кв.м, като на първия етаж има изба, стая и коридор. По външни стъпала се стига до втория етаж, където има три стаи, коридор и остъклена тераса. Дворът към имота е равен с площ от 710кв.м и в него има кладенец, плодни дръвчета и зелена площ за отдих и почивка. Къщата е в самия център на селото, граничи с асфалтова улица е лесно достъпна през цялата година. Имотът се нуждае от основен ремонт, но предвид своята локация е отлично предложение за създаване на постоянен дом, където да се наслаждавате на чист въздух, тишина и спокойствие в близост до града. Не изпускайте това изгодно предложение! Ref. No. 5395 Imoti Consult bietet ein Haus im Dorf Beljakowez zum Verkauf an. Das Dorf ist nur 10 Minuten entfernt. aus dem Zentrum der alten Hauptstadt Veliko Tarnovo und etablierte sich als einer der beliebtesten und begehrtesten Orte sowohl für dauerhaftes Wohnen als auch für Wochenenderholung. Auf dem Territorium des Dorfes Beljakowez gibt es einen Ganztagskindergarten, ein funktionierendes Gemeindezentrum, viele Geschäfte, Restaurants und regelmäßige Verkehrsmittel. Das von uns angebotene Haus hat zwei Etagen, mit einem neuen Anbau / Bad und WC / und die gesamte bebaute Fläche beträgt 70 qm, mit einem Keller, einem Zimmer und einem Flur im ersten Stock. Eine Außentreppe führt in den zweiten Stock, wo sich drei Zimmer, ein Flur und eine verglaste Terrasse befinden. Der Hof zum Anwesen ist flach mit einer Fläche von 710 qm und es gibt einen Brunnen, Obstbäume und eine Grünfläche zum Ausruhen und Entspannen. Das Haus befindet sich im Zentrum des Dorfes, umgeben von einer asphaltierten Straße, die das ganze Jahr über leicht zugänglich ist. Das Anwesen muss umfassend renoviert werden, aber angesichts seiner Lage ist es ein ausgezeichnetes Angebot, um ein dauerhaftes Zuhause zu schaffen, in dem Sie frische Luft, Ruhe und Frieden in der Nähe der Stadt genießen können. Lassen Sie sich dieses vorteilhafte Angebot nicht entgehen! Art.-Nr. 5395 Imoti Consult offers for sale a house in the village of Belyakovets. The village is only 10 minutes away. from the center of the Old Capital Veliko Tarnovo and established itself as one of the most popular and desirable places for both permanent living and weekend recreation. On the territory of the village of Belyakovets there is a full-day kindergarten, a functioning community center, many shops, restaurants and regular transport. The house we offer has two floors, with a new annex / bathroom and toilet / and the total built-up area is 70 sq.m, with a cellar, a room and a corridor on the first floor. External steps lead to the second floor, where there are three rooms, a corridor and a glazed terrace. The yard to the property is flat with an area of 710 sq.m and there is a well, fruit trees and a green area for rest and relaxation. The house is in the very center of the village, bordered by an asphalt street is easily accessible throughout the year. The property needs major renovation, but given its location, it is an excellent offer to create a permanent home where you can enjoy fresh air, peace and quiet near the city. Do not miss this advantageous offer! Ref. No. 5395
Źródło: EDEN-T96474080
Kraj: BG
Miasto: Veliko-Tarnovo
Kod pocztowy: 5031
Kategoria: Mieszkaniowe
Typ ogłoszenia: Na sprzedaż
Typ nieruchomości: Dom & dom jednorodzinny
Wielkość nieruchomości: 70



Średnia cena sprzedaży
Paź 2023
3 miesiące
1 rok
941 PLN
2 324 PLN


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