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Ziemia for sale in Burgas

786 791 PLN

Ziemia (Na sprzedaż)

2 201
Źródło: EDEN-T95342502 / 95342502
For more information call us at ... or 056 828 449 and quote property reference number: BS 84026. Responsible broker: Pavel Ravanov We offer to your attention a plot of land with active regulation in the area of Dinyov Göl located between Oasis and Arapya (Tsarevo municipality). Second line with panoramic sea views. NTP Undeveloped property for resort and recreational facility, area 2201 sq. As geographical features, the mountain and the sea play an important role in the development of the area. Lozenets is a typical fishing village, providing fresh fish and fish delicacies for local restaurants. The proximity of Strandzha Mountain makes it an even more fascinating and unique place to relax. The village is located 6 km from the municipal center of Tsarevo and 58 km from the regional center of Burgas. You do not have to choose whether to go to the mountains or to the sea, but simply to visit Lozenets. The village is small, neat and cozy. The two-storey and three-storey houses and villas prevail, turned into comfortable small hotels or providing accommodation for holidaymakers. We can arrange a viewing of the property at a time convenient for you. To do this, contact the broker responsible for the offer and tell him when you would like to view. The property can be reserved and removed from sale by paying a deposit, after which viewings with other buyers are terminated and the preparation of the documents for the conclusion of a preliminary and final contract begins. Contact the responsible broker for this property for detailed information on the purchase procedure and payment methods. We are a reputable company and will be with you not only at the time of purchase, but also afterwards, providing you with additional services at your request in order to fully and seamlessly use the newly purchased property. The services we can offer include movable and immovable property insurance, life insurance, medical and car insurance, construction and repair works, furnishing, legal and accounting services, etc. Zobacz więcej Zobacz mniej За повече информация обадете ни се на тел: ... или 056 828 449 и цитирайте референтния номер на имота: BS 84026. Отговорен брокер: Павел Раванов Предлагаме на вашето внимание парцел с активна регулация в местността Диньов Гьол разположена между Оазис и Арапя (община Царево). Втора линия с панорамна гледка към морето. НТП Незастроен имот за курортно-рекреационен обект, площ 2201 кв. м, Като географски дадености планината и морето играят важна роля в развитието на района. Лозенец е типично рибарско селце, осигуряващо прясна риба и рибни деликатеси за местните ресторанти. Близостта на Странджа планина го прави още по-завладяващо и неповторимо място за почивка. Селото се намира на 6 км от общинския център Царево и на 58 км от областния център Бургас. Не е необходимо да избирате дали да отидете на планина или на море, а просто да посетите Лозенец. Селцето е малко, кокетно и уютно. Преобладават двуетажните и триетажните къщи и вили, превърнати в комфортни малки хотели или даващи квартири за почиващите. Оглед на имота Можем да организираме оглед на имота в удобно за вас време. За целта, свържете се с отговорния за офертата брокер и му кажете кога бихте искали да направите оглед. Резервация на имота Имотът може да бъде резервиран и свален от продажба със заплащане на депозит, след което се прекратява провеждането на огледи с други купувачи и започва подготовка на документите за сключване на предварителен и окончателен договор. Свържете се с отговорния брокер за този имот за подробна информация относно процедурата на покупка и начините за плащане. Допълнителни услуги и следпродажбено обслужване Ние сме реномирана компания и ще бъдем с вас не само по време на покупката, но и след това, осигурявайки ви допълнителни услуги по ваше изискване с цел пълноценно и безпроблемно ползване на новозакупения имот. Услугите, които можем да предложим, включват застраховка на движимо и недвижимо имущество, застраховка живот, медицинско и автомобилно застраховане, строителни и ремонтни дейности, обзавеждане, юридически и счетоводни услуги и др. For more information call us at ... or 056 828 449 and quote property reference number: BS 84026. Responsible broker: Pavel Ravanov We offer to your attention a plot of land with active regulation in the area of Dinyov Göl located between Oasis and Arapya (Tsarevo municipality). Second line with panoramic sea views. NTP Undeveloped property for resort and recreational facility, area 2201 sq. As geographical features, the mountain and the sea play an important role in the development of the area. Lozenets is a typical fishing village, providing fresh fish and fish delicacies for local restaurants. The proximity of Strandzha Mountain makes it an even more fascinating and unique place to relax. The village is located 6 km from the municipal center of Tsarevo and 58 km from the regional center of Burgas. You do not have to choose whether to go to the mountains or to the sea, but simply to visit Lozenets. The village is small, neat and cozy. The two-storey and three-storey houses and villas prevail, turned into comfortable small hotels or providing accommodation for holidaymakers. We can arrange a viewing of the property at a time convenient for you. To do this, contact the broker responsible for the offer and tell him when you would like to view. The property can be reserved and removed from sale by paying a deposit, after which viewings with other buyers are terminated and the preparation of the documents for the conclusion of a preliminary and final contract begins. Contact the responsible broker for this property for detailed information on the purchase procedure and payment methods. We are a reputable company and will be with you not only at the time of purchase, but also afterwards, providing you with additional services at your request in order to fully and seamlessly use the newly purchased property. The services we can offer include movable and immovable property insurance, life insurance, medical and car insurance, construction and repair works, furnishing, legal and accounting services, etc. Pour plus d’informations, appelez-nous au : ... ou 056 828 449 et indiquez le numéro de référence de la propriété : BS 84026. Courtier responsable : Pavel Ravanov Nous portons à votre attention une parcelle de terrain avec une réglementation active dans la région de Dinev Gyol située entre Oasis et Arapya (municipalité de Tsarevo). Deuxième ligne avec vue panoramique sur la mer. STP Propriété non développée pour un site de villégiature et de loisirs, superficie 2201 m². En tant que caractéristiques géographiques, la montagne et la mer jouent un rôle important dans le développement de la région. Lozenets est un village de pêcheurs typique, fournissant du poisson frais et des délices de poisson pour les restaurants locaux. La proximité de la montagne Strandzha en fait un endroit encore plus fascinant et unique pour se détendre. Le village est situé à 6 km du centre municipal de Tsarevo et à 58 km du centre régional de Bourgas. Vous n’avez pas besoin de choisir entre aller à la montagne ou à la mer, mais simplement visiter Lozenets. Le village est petit, soigné et confortable. Les maisons et les villas à deux et trois étages prédominent, transformées en petits hôtels confortables ou offrant un hébergement aux vacanciers. Nous pouvons organiser une visite de la propriété à un moment qui vous convient. Pour ce faire, contactez le courtier responsable de l’offre et dites-lui quand vous souhaitez faire une visite. La propriété peut être réservée et retirée de la vente avec le paiement d’un acompte, après quoi les visites avec d’autres acheteurs sont terminées et la préparation des documents pour la conclusion d’un contrat préliminaire et final commence. Contactez le courtier responsable de cette propriété pour des informations détaillées sur la procédure d’achat et les méthodes de paiement. Nous sommes une entreprise réputée et serons avec vous non seulement pendant l’achat, mais aussi après, en vous fournissant des services supplémentaires à votre demande afin d’utiliser pleinement et sans problème la propriété nouvellement achetée. Les services que nous pouvons offrir comprennent l’assurance mobilière et immobilière, l’assurance vie, l’assurance médicale et automobile, les activités de construction et de réparation, l’ameublement, les services juridiques et comptables, etc. Pre viac informácií nám zavolajte na číslo: ... alebo 056 828 449 a uveďte referenčné číslo nehnuteľnosti: BS 84026. Zodpovedný maklér: Pavel Ravanov Upozorňujeme na pozemok s aktívnou reguláciou v oblasti Dinev Gyol, ktorý sa nachádza medzi Oasis a Arapya (obec Carevo). Druhý riadok s panoramatickým výhľadom na more. STP Nezastavaná nehnuteľnosť pre rekreačnú a rekreačnú lokalitu, plocha 2201 m². Ako geografické črty zohrávajú hory a more dôležitú úlohu v rozvoji oblasti. Lozenets je typická rybárska dedina, ktorá poskytuje čerstvé ryby a rybie pochúťky pre miestne reštaurácie. Blízkosť hory Strandzha z nej robí ešte fascinujúcejšie a jedinečnejšie miesto na oddych. Obec sa nachádza 6 km od centra mesta Carevo a 58 km od regionálneho centra mesta Burgas. Nemusíte si vyberať, či pôjdete do hôr alebo k moru, ale jednoducho navštívite Lozenec. Obec je malá, upravená a útulná. Prevládajú dvoj- a trojpodlažné domy a vily, ktoré sa menia na pohodlné malé hotely alebo poskytujú ubytovanie pre dovolenkárov. Zorganizujeme vám obhliadku nehnuteľnosti vo vhodnom čase. Ak to chcete urobiť, obráťte sa na makléra zodpovedného za ponuku a povedzte mu, kedy by ste chceli vykonať prehliadku. Nehnuteľnosť môže byť rezervovaná a odstránená z predaja s platbou zálohy, po ktorej sa ukončia obhliadky s ostatnými kupujúcimi a začne sa príprava podkladov na uzavretie predbežnej a konečnej zmluvy. Kontaktujte zodpovedného makléra pre toto ubytovacie zariadenie a získajte podrobné informácie o postupe nákupu a spôsoboch platby. Sme renomovaná spoločnosť a budeme s vami nielen počas kúpy, ale aj po nej, poskytneme vám doplnkové služby na požiadanie s cieľom plnohodnotného a bezproblémového využitia novo zakúpenej nehnuteľnosti. Medzi služby, ktoré môžeme ponúknuť, patrí poistenie hnuteľného a nehnuteľného majetku, životné poistenie, zdravotné poistenie a poistenie motorových vozidiel, stavebné a opravárenské činnosti, nábytok, právne a účtovné služby atď.
Źródło: EDEN-T95342502
Kraj: BG
Miasto: Burgas
Kategoria: Mieszkaniowe
Typ ogłoszenia: Na sprzedaż
Typ nieruchomości: Ziemia
Wielkość nieruchomości: 2 201
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