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Możliwość otworzenia firmy for sale in Dobricz

11 654 485 PLN

Możliwość otworzenia firmy (Na sprzedaż)

1 971
Źródło: EDEN-T70181270 / 70181270
For more information call us at: ... or 052 813 703 and quote the property reference number: Vna 76106. Responsible broker: Kalin Chernev Luxury year-round apart-hotel, offering four-star service and a number of modern services, including a salty indoor pool, spa services, comfortable apartments and a restaurant with a varied and delicious menu. The walking distance to the North Beach makes the hotel suitable for families with children. The property is located on one of the quietest streets of Kranevo, as the terraces offer an unusual view of the Baltata Reserve. The price is without VAT. The hotel has an area of 1971 sq.m. + indoor swimming pool 148 sq.m. Plot area - 1000 sq.m. It consists of 17 modernly furnished and equipped apartments. The spa center has changing rooms, procedural, cosmetic and massage rooms, salt room, infrared and classic sauna, fitness. The quantities that are present in the coland, affect the value of the whole and have many other beneficial effects. The children's playroom is located on the level of the restaurant, which is located on the second floor of the hotel, complemented by two spacious terraces with a maximum capacity of 80 guests. The restaurant is suitable for weddings, family celebrations, birthdays, corporate parties, tastings. For lovers of cultural tourism near Kranevo there is a large selection of sights - the palace in Balchik, cape Kaliakra, the rock Aladzha monastery, declared a cultural monument of national importance. We can arrange a viewing of the property at a time convenient for you. To do this, contact the broker responsible for the offer and tell him when you would like to view. The property can be reserved and removed from sale by paying a deposit, after which viewings with other buyers are terminated and the preparation of the documents for the conclusion of a preliminary and final contract begins. Contact the responsible broker for this property for detailed information on the purchase procedure and payment methods. We are a reputable company and will be with you not only at the time of purchase, but also afterwards, providing you with additional services at your request in order to fully and seamlessly use the newly purchased property. The services we can offer include insurance of movable and immovable property, life insurance, medical and automotive Zobacz więcej Zobacz mniej За повече информация обадете ни се на тел: ... или 052 813 703 и цитирайте референтния номер на имота: Vna 76106. Отговорен брокер: Калин Чернев Луксозен целогодишен апарт-хотел, предлагащ четиризвездно обслужване и редица модерни услуги, в това число солен вътрешен басейн, Спа услуги, комфортни апартаменти и ресторант с разнообразно и вкусно меню. Пешеходното разстояние до Северния плаж прави хотела подходящ за семейства с деца. Имотът е разположен на една от най-тихите улици на Кранево, като терасите предлагат необикновенна гледка към резерват Балтата. Цената е без ДДС. Хотелът е с площ от 1971 кв.м. + закрит басейн 148 кв.м. Площ на парцела - 1000 кв.м. Състои се от 17 модерно обзаведени и оборудвани апартамента. Спа центърът разполага със съблекални, процедурен, козметичен и масажен кабинети, солна стая, инфрачервена и класическа сауна, фитнес. Mинepaлитe, cъдъpжaщи ce в coлeнaтa вoдa, влияят блaгoпpиятнo нa нepвнaтa cиcтeмa, yĸpeпвaт цялocтнo имyннaтa cиcтeмa и имат много други благотворни въздействия. Детската стая за игра е разположена на нивото на ресторанта, който се намира на втория етаж на хотела, допълнен от две просторни тераси с максимален капацитет 80 госта. Ресторантът е подходящ за сватби, семейни празници, рождени дни, фирмени партита, дегустации. За любителите на културния туризъм близо до Кранево има голям избор от забележителности - дворецът в Балчик, нос Калиакра, скалният Аладжа манастир, обявен за паметник на културата от национално значение. Оглед на имота Можем да организираме оглед на имота в удобно за вас време. За целта, свържете се с отговорния за офертата брокер и му кажете кога бихте искали да направите оглед. Резервация на имота Имотът може да бъде резервиран и свален от продажба със заплащане на депозит, след което се прекратява провеждането на огледи с други купувачи и започва подготовка на документите за сключване на предварителен и окончателен договор. Свържете се с отговорния брокер за този имот за подробна информация относно процедурата на покупка и начините за плащане. Допълнителни услуги и следпродажбено обслужване Ние сме реномирана компания и ще бъдем с вас не само по време на покупката, но и след това, осигурявайки ви допълнителни услуги по ваше изискване с цел пълноценно и безпроблемно ползване на новозакупения имот. Услугите, които можем да предложим, включват застраховка на движимо и недвижимо имущество, застраховка живот, медицинско и автомобилно For more information call us at: ... or 052 813 703 and quote the property reference number: Vna 76106. Responsible broker: Kalin Chernev Luxury year-round apart-hotel, offering four-star service and a number of modern services, including a salty indoor pool, spa services, comfortable apartments and a restaurant with a varied and delicious menu. The walking distance to the North Beach makes the hotel suitable for families with children. The property is located on one of the quietest streets of Kranevo, as the terraces offer an unusual view of the Baltata Reserve. The price is without VAT. The hotel has an area of 1971 sq.m. + indoor swimming pool 148 sq.m. Plot area - 1000 sq.m. It consists of 17 modernly furnished and equipped apartments. The spa center has changing rooms, procedural, cosmetic and massage rooms, salt room, infrared and classic sauna, fitness. The quantities that are present in the coland, affect the value of the whole and have many other beneficial effects. The children's playroom is located on the level of the restaurant, which is located on the second floor of the hotel, complemented by two spacious terraces with a maximum capacity of 80 guests. The restaurant is suitable for weddings, family celebrations, birthdays, corporate parties, tastings. For lovers of cultural tourism near Kranevo there is a large selection of sights - the palace in Balchik, cape Kaliakra, the rock Aladzha monastery, declared a cultural monument of national importance. We can arrange a viewing of the property at a time convenient for you. To do this, contact the broker responsible for the offer and tell him when you would like to view. The property can be reserved and removed from sale by paying a deposit, after which viewings with other buyers are terminated and the preparation of the documents for the conclusion of a preliminary and final contract begins. Contact the responsible broker for this property for detailed information on the purchase procedure and payment methods. We are a reputable company and will be with you not only at the time of purchase, but also afterwards, providing you with additional services at your request in order to fully and seamlessly use the newly purchased property. The services we can offer include insurance of movable and immovable property, life insurance, medical and automotive Pour plus d’informations, appelez-nous au : ... ou 052 813 703 et indiquez le numéro de référence de la propriété : Vna 76106. Courtier responsable : Kalin Chernev Appart-hôtel de luxe ouvert toute l’année, offrant un service quatre étoiles et un certain nombre de services modernes, notamment une piscine intérieure salée, des services de spa, des appartements confortables et un restaurant avec un menu varié et délicieux. La distance de marche de la plage nord rend l’hôtel idéal pour les familles avec enfants. La propriété est située dans l’une des rues les plus calmes de Kranevo, car les terrasses offrent une vue inhabituelle sur la réserve de Baltata. Le prix est hors TVA. L’hôtel a une superficie de 1971 m². + piscine couverte 148 m² Surface du terrain - 1000 m² Il se compose de 17 appartements meublés et équipés de manière moderne. Le centre de spa dispose de vestiaires, de salles de procédure, de cosmétiques et de massage, d’une salle de sel, d’un sauna infrarouge et classique, d’une salle de fitness. Les quantités présentes dans la terre affectent la valeur de l’ensemble et ont de nombreux autres effets bénéfiques. La salle de jeux pour enfants est située au niveau du restaurant, situé au deuxième étage de l’hôtel, complétée par deux terrasses spacieuses d’une capacité maximale de 80 personnes. Le restaurant est adapté pour les mariages, les fêtes de famille, les anniversaires, les fêtes d’entreprise, les dégustations. Pour les amateurs de tourisme culturel près de Kranevo, il y a un grand choix de sites - le palais de Balchik, le cap Kaliakra, le monastère rupestre d’Aladzha, déclaré monument culturel d’importance nationale. Nous pouvons organiser une visite de la propriété à l’heure qui vous convient. Pour ce faire, contactez le courtier responsable de l’offre et dites-lui quand vous souhaitez la consulter. La propriété peut être réservée et retirée de la vente en payant un acompte, après quoi les visites avec d’autres acheteurs sont terminées et la préparation des documents pour la conclusion d’un contrat préliminaire et définitif commence. Contactez le courtier responsable de cette propriété pour obtenir des informations détaillées sur la procédure d’achat et les modes de paiement. Nous sommes une entreprise réputée et nous serons avec vous non seulement au moment de l’achat, mais aussi après, en vous fournissant des services supplémentaires à votre demande afin d’utiliser pleinement et de manière transparente la propriété nouvellement achetée. Les services que nous pouvons offrir comprennent l’assurance des biens meubles et immeubles, l’assurance vie, l’assurance médicale et automobile
Źródło: EDEN-T70181270
Kraj: BG
Miasto: Dobrich
Kod pocztowy: 9649
Kategoria: Komercyjne
Typ ogłoszenia: Na sprzedaż
Typ nieruchomości: Możliwość otworzenia firmy
Wielkość nieruchomości: 1 971
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