3 150 699 PLN
4 bd
150 m²
The third-floor apartment spans 150 m2 of carefully designed living space with an open floor plan that seamlessly connects the elegant kitchen to the island, dining room and living room. The living area has direct access to a spacious balcony of 20 m2, which is an ideal place for fun and relaxation with a spectacular view of the sea. The living area is connected to the gallery in the attic, which provides additional comfort and a place to relax.
Three spacious bedrooms, one of which has an en-suite bathroom and an additional toilet with a shower, provide full comfort for the family and can also be used for commercial purposes.
The apartment is sold with high-quality amenities such as underfloor heating, triple-glazed windows for better insulation, first-class flooring and sanitary facilities, electric shutters and multi-split systems with remote-controlled air conditioning units that ensure maximum comfort and energy-efficient living.
Several vehicles can be parked unhindered on the grounds surrounding the building.
In the same building, there are two more apartments on offer with the same price of 750,000 EUR. The apartment on the third floor has an identical floor plan and a usable area of 150 m2, while the apartment on the second floor has a usable area of 160 m2.
Šibenik, the pearl of the Croatian coast, enchants with its rich history and beautiful nature. Located at the mouth of the Krka River, the town has been an important center of trade and culture for centuries. Šibenik is the only city in the world that can boast a cathedral built entirely of stone, making it a true architectural wonder. Walking through the narrow, cobbled streets, you will feel the spirit of the past and enjoy the view of the sea. Visit St. Michael's Fortress, the most beautiful stage in the Mediterranean, or relax on one of the many beaches.
Šibenik is the only city in the world that can boast of a cathedral built entirely of stone, which makes it a true architectural wonder. Walking through the narrow-cobbled streets, you will feel the spirit of the past and enjoy the view of the sea. Visit the fortress of St. Michael, the most beautiful Mediterranean stage, or relax on one of the many beaches. Šibenik is a city that will enchant you with its beauty and hospitable people.
- Terrace
- Alarm
- Lift
- Parking Zobacz więcej Zobacz mniej Ovaj luksuzan stan nalazi se u Šibeniku na mirnoj lokaciji u predjelu Crnica te savršeno spaja moderan dizajn sofisticirani luksuz i predivan pogled na more.
Pored zgrade nalazi se uređena plaza Banj sa svim potrebnim sadržajima za uživanje u čistom moru, a postoji mogućnost priveza plovila u lokalnoj marini odmah pored objekta.
Stan na trećem katu se prostire na 150 m2 pažljivo dizajniranog stambenog prostora, s otvorenim tlocrtom koji besprijekorno povezuje elegantnu kuhinju s otokom, blagovaonicu i dnevni boravak. Dnevni prostor ima direktan pristup prostranom balkonu od 20 m2, što ga čini idealnim prostorom za zabavu i opuštanje uz spektakularan pogled na more. Dnevni prostor je spojen sa galerijom u potkrovlju što pruža dodatni komfor i mjesto za opuštanje.
Tri prostrane spavaće sobe od kojih jedna ima svoje kupatilo te dodatni WC sa tuš kabinom omogućava puni komfor za obitelj, a može se koristiti i u komercijalne svrhe.
Stan se prodaje opremljen visokokvalitetnim sadržajima poput podnog grijanja, troslojnih prozora za bolju izolaciju, prvoklasnih podova i sanitarne keramike, električnih roleta i multi-split sustava s daljinski upravljanim klima uređajima koji osiguravaju maksimalnu udobnost i energetski učinkovit život.
Prostor oko zgrade omogućuje nesmetan parking za više vozila.
U istoj zgradi na ponudi su još dva stana sa istom cijenom od 750.000 EUR. Stan na trećem katu ima identičan tlocrt i korisnu površinu od 150 m2, kod stan na drugom katu ima korisnu površinu od 160 m2.
Šibenik, biser hrvatske obale, očarava svojom bogatom poviješću i prekrasnom prirodom. Smješten na ušću rijeke Krke, ovaj grad je stoljećima bio važno središte trgovine i kulture. Šibenik je jedini grad na svijetu koji se može pohvaliti katedralom građenom isključivo od kamena, što je čini pravim arhitektonskim čudom. Šetajući uskim kamenitim ulicama, osjetit ćete duh prošlosti i uživati u pogledu na more. Posjetite tvrđavu sv. Mihovila, najljepšu mediteransku pozornicu, ili se opusite na jednoj od brojnih plaža. Šibenik je grad koji će vas očarati svojom ljepotom i gostoljubivim ljudima.
Šibenik, biser hrvatske obale, očarava svojom bogatom poviješću i prekrasnom prirodom. Smješten na ušću rijeke Krke, ovaj grad je stoljećima bio važno središte trgovine i kulture. Šibenik je jedini grad na svijetu koji se može pohvaliti katedralom građenom isključivo od kamena, što je čini pravim arhitektonskim čudom. Šetajući uskim kamenitim ulicama, osjetit ćete duh prošlosti i uživati u pogledu na more. Posjetite tvrđavu sv. Mihovila, najljepšu mediteransku pozornicu, ili se opusite na jednoj od brojnih plaža. Šibenik je grad koji će vas očarati svojom ljepotom i gostoljubivim ljudima.
- Terrace
- Alarm
- Lift
- Parking This luxurious apartment is located in Šibenik in a quiet location in the Crnica area and perfectly combines modern design, upscale luxury and a beautiful view of the sea. Next to the building there is a well-kept beach Banj with all the necessary facilities to enjoy the clear sea.
The third-floor apartment spans 150 m2 of carefully designed living space with an open floor plan that seamlessly connects the elegant kitchen to the island, dining room and living room. The living area has direct access to a spacious balcony of 20 m2, which is an ideal place for fun and relaxation with a spectacular view of the sea. The living area is connected to the gallery in the attic, which provides additional comfort and a place to relax.
Three spacious bedrooms, one of which has an en-suite bathroom and an additional toilet with a shower, provide full comfort for the family and can also be used for commercial purposes.
The apartment is sold with high-quality amenities such as underfloor heating, triple-glazed windows for better insulation, first-class flooring and sanitary facilities, electric shutters and multi-split systems with remote-controlled air conditioning units that ensure maximum comfort and energy-efficient living.
Several vehicles can be parked unhindered on the grounds surrounding the building.
In the same building, there are two more apartments on offer with the same price of 750,000 EUR. The apartment on the third floor has an identical floor plan and a usable area of 150 m2, while the apartment on the second floor has a usable area of 160 m2.
Šibenik, the pearl of the Croatian coast, enchants with its rich history and beautiful nature. Located at the mouth of the Krka River, the town has been an important center of trade and culture for centuries. Šibenik is the only city in the world that can boast a cathedral built entirely of stone, making it a true architectural wonder. Walking through the narrow, cobbled streets, you will feel the spirit of the past and enjoy the view of the sea. Visit St. Michael's Fortress, the most beautiful stage in the Mediterranean, or relax on one of the many beaches.
Šibenik is the only city in the world that can boast of a cathedral built entirely of stone, which makes it a true architectural wonder. Walking through the narrow-cobbled streets, you will feel the spirit of the past and enjoy the view of the sea. Visit the fortress of St. Michael, the most beautiful Mediterranean stage, or relax on one of the many beaches. Šibenik is a city that will enchant you with its beauty and hospitable people.
- Terrace
- Alarm
- Lift
- Parking