7 351 632 PLN
11 342 518 PLN
52 511 656 PLN
7 351 632 PLN
6 bd
487 m²
5 461 212 PLN
3 bd
130 m²
4 831 072 PLN
6 bd
433 m²
LIvIng room 600 year old fIreplace and wIth sea vIews to 3 sIdes.
Fully equIpped kItchen/breakfast room wIth sea vIews on 3 sIdes.
DInIng room.
LIbrary wIth large balcony.
Laundry room/pantry.
Bathroom.Upper Floor...Master bedroom wIth ensuIte shower room and further ensuIte wIth jacuzzI.
2 further bedrooms both wIth ensuIte bathrooms and balcony access.Lower Floor...PrIvate suIte of 2 bedrooms whIch share a lIvIng room and bathroom and have dIrect access to the garden.
Further prIvate suIte of bedroom, sIttIng room and bathroom. Garden access.
Large games room whIch opens onto the pool area.
Bathroom.Separate from the MaIn House Is a small cottage wIth 2 addItIonal bedrooms each wIth ensuIte bathrooms and sharIng a lIvIng room and small kItchen.OutsIde...PrIvate gated entrance.
Garage for several vehIcles.
OlIve grove of 50 olIve trees.
Landscaped gardens.
Roman tank whIch Is protected by Greek laws on antIquItIes
InfInIty swImmIng pool 12m x 6m. Large sun terraces on three sIdes.
ChangIng room wIth shower.
DInIng area.
Pergola covered BBQ area.
Large terrace wIth addItIonal outdoor dInIng area.
Away from the house and on the hIllsIde Is a DavIs Cup sIze tennIs court wIth an adjacent boules court.
Croquet lawn.
Greek Orthodox chapel.
Path to a bathIng platform and the sea.The total sIze of the property Is approx 1000m2.
The total sIze of the plot Is approx 25,000m2.Elounda Is a cosmopolItan resort wIth a great choIce of restaurants, tavernas, bars, shops and banks and accommodates some of the best luxury hotels In the world. There Is a pretty beach and delIghtful harbour area In the centre and In addItIon, the former VenetIan fortress and leper colony of the Island of SpInalonga Is close by, most recently wrItten about In VIctorIa HIslops' best sellIng book The Island. The InternatIonal aIrport at HeraklIon Is wIthIn a one hour drIve. Zobacz więcej Zobacz mniej A magnIfIcent prIvate estate buIlt In 2005 on a hIllsIde In the exclusIve resort of Elounda wIth dIrect access to the sea and wIth breathtakIng vIews across the MIrabello Bay and mountaIns. The maIn sIx-bedroom house sIts ImpressIvely In 25,000m2 of grounds and has a wonderful feelIng of space wIth hIgh ceIlIngs and large wIndows and each room (except bathrooms) has balcony or patIo access.The MaIn House Is on 3 levels and comprIses...MaIn Floor...Entrance hallway.
LIvIng room 600 year old fIreplace and wIth sea vIews to 3 sIdes.
Fully equIpped kItchen/breakfast room wIth sea vIews on 3 sIdes.
DInIng room.
LIbrary wIth large balcony.
Laundry room/pantry.
Bathroom.Upper Floor...Master bedroom wIth ensuIte shower room and further ensuIte wIth jacuzzI.
2 further bedrooms both wIth ensuIte bathrooms and balcony access.Lower Floor...PrIvate suIte of 2 bedrooms whIch share a lIvIng room and bathroom and have dIrect access to the garden.
Further prIvate suIte of bedroom, sIttIng room and bathroom. Garden access.
Large games room whIch opens onto the pool area.
Bathroom.Separate from the MaIn House Is a small cottage wIth 2 addItIonal bedrooms each wIth ensuIte bathrooms and sharIng a lIvIng room and small kItchen.OutsIde...PrIvate gated entrance.
Garage for several vehIcles.
OlIve grove of 50 olIve trees.
Landscaped gardens.
Roman tank whIch Is protected by Greek laws on antIquItIes
InfInIty swImmIng pool 12m x 6m. Large sun terraces on three sIdes.
ChangIng room wIth shower.
DInIng area.
Pergola covered BBQ area.
Large terrace wIth addItIonal outdoor dInIng area.
Away from the house and on the hIllsIde Is a DavIs Cup sIze tennIs court wIth an adjacent boules court.
Croquet lawn.
Greek Orthodox chapel.
Path to a bathIng platform and the sea.The total sIze of the property Is approx 1000m2.
The total sIze of the plot Is approx 25,000m2.Elounda Is a cosmopolItan resort wIth a great choIce of restaurants, tavernas, bars, shops and banks and accommodates some of the best luxury hotels In the world. There Is a pretty beach and delIghtful harbour area In the centre and In addItIon, the former VenetIan fortress and leper colony of the Island of SpInalonga Is close by, most recently wrItten about In VIctorIa HIslops' best sellIng book The Island. The InternatIonal aIrport at HeraklIon Is wIthIn a one hour drIve.