Dom & dom jednorodzinny (Na sprzedaż)
/ 5709
Located just 40 km from Rome, near Lake Bracciano, this stunning villa for sale is inside an exclusive Golf Club and still features its original 19th-century tower. The property measures 1,000 sqm and is surrounded by a 5,000-sqm park. The main villa, of about 500 sqm, has five floors, three of which are in the tower. On the ground floor there is a living area with several rooms. On the first floor, four en-suite bedrooms make up the sleeping area, followed a study, a living room with a fireplace, and two big terraces. The second floor, located in the tower, features the master bedroom, two changing rooms, a corridor with wardrobes, and a terrace. The main bathroom, made entirely of Carrara marble, offers a Jacuzzi. On the top floor of the tower is the observatory study, with glass walls that offer breathtaking views of the stars. The fully-furnished outbuilding, built in 2002 houses a bedroom, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a lounge, and a big porch. In the park there is a fitness area, a swimming pool, a Finnish sauna, and changing rooms. This property also includes a five-a-side football field, a bowling green, a 130-sqm one-bedroom professional studio, a 50-sqm cellar, and a toolshed. The covered car park can fit five cars. Ref: 5709 https://www.lionard.com/stunning-country-villa-near-rome.html
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Située à seulement 40 km de Rome, près du lac de Bracciano, cette splendide villa en vente se trouve au sein d'un club de golf, entourée de verdure dans un cadre tout à fait discret et tranquille. Dans un parc de 5000m², elle dispose d'une surface bâtie de près de 1000m². La villa principale, d'environ 500m², se déploie sur cinq étages, dont trois uniquement dans la zone de l'ancienne tour. Dans le parc, on trouve encore une dépendance, bâtie en 2002. Dans la verdure, on dispose d'un coin fitness une surface de 130m². La luxueuse villa est équipée d'une piscine extérieure, entourée d'un jardin. La propriété est aussi équipée d'un terrain de football à cinq, d'un terrain de boules, d'un bureau professionnel de 130m², d'une cave de 50m² Le parking couvert de près 100m² a une capacité d'accueil de cinq places. Ref.5709 https://www.lionard.com/fr/splendide-ferme-dans-les-environs-de-rome.html
Splendida villa in vendita a soli 40 km da Roma, nelle vicinanze del Lago di Bracciano, immersa in un esclusivo Golf Club. Circondata dal verde in un contesto di assoluta riservatezza e tranquillità, la lussuosa casa colonica, completamente ristrutturata con finiture di pregio, ha mantenuto integra l’ottocentesca torre quadrata in pietra, che la rende una proprietà unica. Con un parco di 5.000 mq, dispone di una superficie edificata di circa 1.000 mq. La villa padronale, di 500 mq circa, si sviluppa su cinque livelli, di cui tre esclusivamente nell’area dell’antica torre. Nel parco si trova anche un dépendance, costruita nel 2002, completamente arredata, che offre la possibilità di ospitare i propri ospiti in maniera autonoma rispetto alla villa principale. Nel verde si trova anche la zona fitness, costituita da un unico ambiente di circa 130 mq con palestra, piscina centrale munita di impianto per acqua calda e nuoto controcorrente. A completare l'area allenamento e relax, una sauna finlandese per otto persone, un bagno e relative zone spogliatoi uomini e donne. La lussuosa villa è dotata anche di una piscina esterna, contornata da un giardino i cui due lati principali sono arredati con una raffinata struttura in ferro battuto, posta a sostegno di teli bianchi. Barbecue coperto da una tettoia e zona forno arricchiscono la zona intorno alla piscina. La proprietà è inoltre attrezzata con un campo da calcetto, un campo di bocce, uno studio professionale di 130 mq e una cantina di 50 mq per la conservazione dei vini e rimessa attrezzi. Lavanderia, stireria e parcheggio coperto di circa 100 mq completano la proprietà. Rif. 5709 https://www.lionard.com/it/splendida-villa-colonica-nei-dintorni-di-roma.html
Located just 40 km from Rome, near Lake Bracciano, this stunning villa for sale is inside an exclusive Golf Club and still features its original 19th-century tower. The property measures 1,000 sqm and is surrounded by a 5,000-sqm park. The main villa, of about 500 sqm, has five floors, three of which are in the tower. On the ground floor there is a living area with several rooms. On the first floor, four en-suite bedrooms make up the sleeping area, followed a study, a living room with a fireplace, and two big terraces. The second floor, located in the tower, features the master bedroom, two changing rooms, a corridor with wardrobes, and a terrace. The main bathroom, made entirely of Carrara marble, offers a Jacuzzi. On the top floor of the tower is the observatory study, with glass walls that offer breathtaking views of the stars. The fully-furnished outbuilding, built in 2002 houses a bedroom, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a lounge, and a big porch. In the park there is a fitness area, a swimming pool, a Finnish sauna, and changing rooms. This property also includes a five-a-side football field, a bowling green, a 130-sqm one-bedroom professional studio, a 50-sqm cellar, and a toolshed. The covered car park can fit five cars. Ref: 5709 https://www.lionard.com/stunning-country-villa-near-rome.html
В 40 км от Рима, недалеко от озера Браччано, выставлена на продажу великолепная вилла. Особняк отличается башней 19 века, сохраненной в оригинальном виде. Резиденция с общей площадью внутренних помещений 1000 кв. м. состоит из основной виллы и флигеля с одной спальней. Вилла имеет пять этажей и включает просторные гостиные с каминами, кухню, столовую, веранду с крыльцом, 6 спален с ванными комнатами, гардеробные, террасы. Хозяйская спальня располагает видом на парк в 180 градусов, ванная комната включает гидромассажное джакузи. В башне находится обсерватория со стеклянными стенами с видом на окрестности и звездное небо. Резиденция окружена парком площадью 5 000 кв., на территории которого находится помещение с фитнесс-зоной, бассейном, сауной, великолепный открытый бассейн, зона барбекю, а также футбольное поле, площадка для бочче, винный погреб в 50 кв. м. Ссылка: 5709 https://www.lionard.com/ru/roskoshnaja-villa-v-okrestnostjach-rima.html
Typ ogłoszenia:
Na sprzedaż
Typ nieruchomości:
Dom & dom jednorodzinny
Podtyp nieruchomości:
Wielkość nieruchomości:
1 000 m²
Miasto |
Średnia cena m2 dom |
Średnia cena apartament |
Włochy | 7 085 PLN | 9 476 PLN |
Lacjum | 8 414 PLN | 13 456 PLN |
Abruzja | 5 046 PLN | 7 367 PLN |
Arezzo | 8 001 PLN | 8 022 PLN |
Marche | 6 486 PLN | 9 268 PLN |
Pescara | 5 725 PLN | 7 882 PLN |
Toskania | 10 250 PLN | 11 363 PLN |
Lukka | 10 633 PLN | 12 177 PLN |
Bastia | - | 11 869 PLN |
Górna Korsyka | 12 550 PLN | 13 112 PLN |
Porto-Vecchio | 19 308 PLN | - |
Korsyka | 13 792 PLN | 14 137 PLN |
Korsyka Południowa | 15 673 PLN | 15 661 PLN |
Ajaccio | 14 413 PLN | 15 510 PLN |