218 448 PLN
5 400 m²
Located near the village of Barão de São Miguel. It has several fruit trees, such as fig trees.
Does not allow construction.Excluded from the SCE, under paragraph a) of article 4 of Decree-Law no. 118/2013, of 20 August, in its current wording.If this is the land you are looking for, book your visit now.
Energy Rating: Exempt
#ref:DH21068 Zobacz więcej Zobacz mniej Deal Homes presents,Rustic land with 5880m2, intended only for agriculture.
Located near the village of Barão de São Miguel. It has several fruit trees, such as fig trees.
Does not allow construction.Excluded from the SCE, under paragraph a) of article 4 of Decree-Law no. 118/2013, of 20 August, in its current wording.If this is the land you are looking for, book your visit now.
Energy Rating: Exempt
#ref:DH21068 Deal Homes presenta,Terreno rústico con 5880m2, destinado únicamente a la agricultura.
Ubicado cerca del pueblo de Barão de São Miguel. Tiene varios árboles frutales, como higueras.
No permite la construcción.Excluido de la SCE, en el inciso a) del artículo 4 del Decreto Ley nº 118/2013, de 20 de agosto, en su redacción actual.Si este es el terreno que busca, reserve ya su visita.
Categoría Energética: Exento
#ref:DH21068 Deal Homes présente,Terrain rustique avec 5880m2, destiné uniquement à l'agriculture.
Situé près du village de Barão de São Miguel. Il possède plusieurs arbres fruitiers, comme des figuiers.
Ne permet pas la construction.Exclus de la SCE, en vertu de l'alinéa a) de l'article 4 du décret-loi n° 118/2013, du 20 août, dans sa rédaction actuelle.Si c'est le terrain que vous recherchez, réservez votre visite dès maintenant.
Performance Énergétique: Exempt
#ref:DH21068 Deal Homes presenta,Terreno rustico con 5880 m2, destinato solo all'agricoltura.
Situato vicino al villaggio di Barão de São Miguel. Ha diversi alberi da frutto, come i fichi.
Non consente la costruzione.Escluso dalla SCE, ai sensi della lettera a) dell'articolo 4 del decreto-legge n.118/2013, del 20 agosto, nella sua attuale formulazione.Se questo è il terreno che stai cercando, prenota subito la tua visita.
Categoria energetica: Gratuito
#ref:DH21068 Deal Homes presents,Rustic land with 5880m2, intended only for agriculture.
Located near the village of Barão de São Miguel. It has several fruit trees, such as fig trees.
Does not allow construction.Excluded from the SCE, under paragraph a) of article 4 of Decree-Law no. 118/2013, of 20 August, in its current wording.If this is the land you are looking for, book your visit now.
Energy Rating: Exempt
#ref:DH21068 Deal Homes apresenta, Terreno Rústico com 5880m2, destinado apenas à agricultura.
Localizado próximo da Vila de Barão de São Miguel. Dispõe de várias árvore de frutos, como figueiras.
Não permite a construção. Excluído do SCE, ao abrigo da alínea a) do artigo 4º do Decreto-lei n.118/2013, de 20 de Agosto, na sua actual redação. Se este é o terreno que procura, marque já a sua visita.
Categoria Energética: Isento
#ref:DH21068 Deal Homes , 58802, .
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. ) 4 - 118/2013 20 . , , .
#ref:DH21068 Deal Homes presents,Rustic land with 5880m2, intended only for agriculture.
Located near the village of Barão de São Miguel. It has several fruit trees, such as fig trees.
Does not allow construction.Excluded from the SCE, under paragraph a) of article 4 of Decree-Law no. 118/2013, of 20 August, in its current wording.If this is the land you are looking for, book your visit now.
Energy Rating: Exempt