1 008 224 PLN
1 008 224 PLN
1 470 326 PLN
1 340 097 PLN
1 197 266 PLN
1 260 280 PLN
O nosso modo de atuação passa pela identificação de imóveis com potencial, pelo desenvolvimento de estudos arquitetónicos e comerciais que validem esse potencial, pela apresentação e mediação do negócio junto de investidores, pelo desenvolvimento dos projetos, obtenção das licenças e gestão da construção e, por fim, pela gestão da promoção e comercialização dos empreendimentos resultantes desses investimentos.
Contamos com profissionais experientes e altamente qualificados nas disciplinas relevantes, incluindo arquitetura, design de interiores, curadoria de arte, engenharia, construção, consultoria, promoção e mediação imobiliária, resultando numa equipa efetiva e eficaz para um relevante e apropriado acompanhamento.
Temos um conhecimento aprofundado do mercado imobiliário do Grande Porto, fundamentalmente na componente residencial, onde estamos atualmente a desenvolver e a promover empreendimentos de escalas diferenciadas - desde a moradia de luxo ao condomínio fechado de 250 frações - mas sempre orientados para o segmento médio-alto a alto. Building in Santa Marinha, Vila Nova de Gaia, has the ideal location for those looking to live in a relaxed environment close to the sea, but at the same time does not give up being close to all services, shops and connections to the main access points throughout the country,With modern lines, with the best and most current architectural and construction solutions, it includes 36 apartments of types T1, T2 and T3 that were designed to make the most of your dream home. The generous areas and balconies are complemented by a parking space or box for two vehicles.Sustainability and environmental concerns will be highly privileged through the intelligent management of energy in common areas, the systematic consideration of natural light and ventilation to optimize the overall energy efficiency of the apartments and obtaining energy class A, thus providing comfort and savings to its inhabitants.Schedule your visit now, don´t miss this unique opportunity, come and see this project up close!IMMOPO is a real estate project management company that combines technical competence in the areas of architecture and real estate investment with in-depth knowledge of the real estate market, in order to provide its clients, promoters and investors, with a turnkey service. .Our way of acting involves identifying properties with potential, developing architectural and commercial studies that validate this potential, presenting and mediating the business with investors, developing projects, obtaining licenses and managing the construction and, therefore, Finally, managing the promotion and marketing of projects resulting from these investments.We have experienced and highly qualified professionals in relevant disciplines, including architecture, interior design, art curation, engineering, construction, consultancy, promotion and real estate mediation, resulting in an effective and efficient team for relevant and appropriate support.We have in-depth knowledge of the Greater Porto real estate market, mainly in the residential component, where we are currently developing and promoting projects of different scales - from luxury housing to a gated condominium with 250 units - but always aimed at the medium-high segment to high.