Możliwość otworzenia firmy for sale in Darfo Boario Terme
9 644 322 PLN
Możliwość otworzenia firmy (Na sprzedaż)
/ 4981
This stunning hotel is for sale on the mountains of the Valcamonica, near Boario Terme, in Northern Itay. A destination much appreciated by skiers and mountain lovers, Boario Terme is close to Lake Iseo splendid territory of Franciacorta, famous for its wine production. The property for sale was built towards the end of the 19th century and boasts an indoor area of 4,000 square meters, spread over five floors. It features 51 comfortable bedrooms finished with quality Italian sustainable materials; a restaurant that can sit up to 250 people; a congress center with three meeting rooms; an exclusive panoramic swimming pool and a spacious sunbathing area surrounded by Mediterranean plants. This prestigious hotel for sale in the heart of Boario Terme, is equipped with the latest sustainable technologies and alternative sources of energy, including a modern photovoltaic solar system and furniturethat enhances the elegance and refinement of its interiors. Ref. 4981 https://www.lionard.com/prestigious-hotel-in-the-heart-of-boario-terme.html
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Questo splendida struttura adibita a hotel di charme è in vendita a Boario Terme, rinomata località bresciana che ospita un esclusivo centro termale, ideale come punto di partenza per raggiungere il Lago d'Iseo e il suo caratteristico Monte Isola, oltre allo splendido territorio della Franciacorta. La splendida proprietà in vendita è una residenza storica edificata verso la fine dell'Ottocento, dalla superficie interna di 4.000 mq sviluppata su cinque piani, e caratterizzata da un'imponente facciata che volge lo sguardo verso le suggestive montagne. Al suo interno, ospita 51 camere destinate all'accoglienza dei propri ospiti, oltre a un ristorante con tre sale da pranzo che può ospitare fino a 250 persone, affacciato sulla splendida veranda esterna, riscaldata e climatizzata, un centro congressi dotato di tre sale riunioni e un garage al piano seminterrato, oltre a una esclusiva piscina panoramica, perfettamente attrezzata con angolo solarium, lettini prendisole e aree gazebo, e un secondo ampio solarium di 200 mq separato dalla piscina. Rif. 4981 https://www.lionard.com/it/hotel-di-prestigio-nel-cuore-di-boario-terme.html
This stunning hotel is for sale on the mountains of the Valcamonica, near Boario Terme, in Northern Itay. A destination much appreciated by skiers and mountain lovers, Boario Terme is close to Lake Iseo splendid territory of Franciacorta, famous for its wine production. The property for sale was built towards the end of the 19th century and boasts an indoor area of 4,000 square meters, spread over five floors. It features 51 comfortable bedrooms finished with quality Italian sustainable materials; a restaurant that can sit up to 250 people; a congress center with three meeting rooms; an exclusive panoramic swimming pool and a spacious sunbathing area surrounded by Mediterranean plants. This prestigious hotel for sale in the heart of Boario Terme, is equipped with the latest sustainable technologies and alternative sources of energy, including a modern photovoltaic solar system and furniturethat enhances the elegance and refinement of its interiors. Ref. 4981 https://www.lionard.com/prestigious-hotel-in-the-heart-of-boario-terme.html
В Валькомонике, посреди величественных горных вершин и в сердце живописного городка Боарио-Терме, выставлен на продажу отель класса люкс. Здешние края высоко ценятся любителями горнолыжного спорта и термальных курортов. Боарио-Терме позволяет с легкостью достичь знаменитого озера Изео и других достопримечательностей региона. Площадь отеля составляет 4000 кв.м. Он располагает пятью этажами и включает 51 номер, что позволяет принимать в его стенах большое количество постояльцев. В отель также входит просторный ресоторан на 250 человек. На участке, прилегающем к отелю, расположен панорамный бассейн с площадкой для загорания и очаровательная беседка. В комплекс также входит конгресс-зал и удобный гараж. Ссылка: 4981 https://www.lionard.com/ru/otelj-klassa-ljux-v-serdtce-boario-terme.html
Cette splendide structure utilisée comme hôtel de charme est à vendre à Boario Terme, un endroit renommé dans la région de Brescia qui abrite un spa exclusif, idéal comme point de départ pour atteindre le lac d'Iseo et son caractéristique Monte Isola, ainsi que le splendide territoire de la Franciacorta. La splendide propriété à vendre est une résidence historique construite vers la fin du XIXème siècle, avec une superficie intérieure de 4000 mètres carrés répartis sur cinq étages, et caractérisée par une façade imposante qui regarde vers les montagnes suggestives. A l'intérieur, elle abrite 51 salles destinées à l'accueil de ses hôtes, ainsi qu'un restaurant avec trois salles à manger pouvant accueillir jusqu'à 250 personnes, donnant sur la splendide véranda extérieure, chauffée et climatisée, un centre de conférence avec un garage en sous-sol, ainsi qu'une piscine panoramique exclusive, parfaitement équipée avec un coin solarium, des chaises longues et des espaces tonnelle, et un deuxième grand solarium de 200 mètres carrés séparé de la piscine. Réf.4981 https://www.lionard.com/fr/hotel-de-prestige-au-coeur-de-boario-terme.html
Darfo Boario Terme
Typ ogłoszenia:
Na sprzedaż
Typ nieruchomości:
Możliwość otworzenia firmy
Podtyp nieruchomości:
Bar, hotel, restauracja
Wielkość nieruchomości:
4 000 m²