2 725 569 PLN
Dom & dom jednorodzinny (Na sprzedaż)
lot 25 730 m²
/ 7720
The farmhouse Podere Tarlatello is nestled in the valleys surrounding the towns of Cetona and Chiusi, in the beautiful province of Siena. Entirely surrounded by a rich vegetation, the house is on two levels and has a gross living area of about 280 square meters. The Ground Floor, currently destined for storage and shed, offers the opportunity to be transformed into a residential space, with the possibility of a future renovation that can fully exploit the potential of this charming farmhouse. The first floor, which today represents the beating heart of the building, is accessed via the characteristic original external staircase, typical of Tuscan farmhouses. This staircase leads to a 12 square metre loggia, which offers a breathtaking view of the surrounding hills. The first floor opens onto a large living area, consisting of a living room, a dining room and a kitchen, completed by a bathroom. The entire space is framed by large windows that offer an extraordinary brightness and a view of the garden. Continuing along a short corridor, you reach the sleeping area, which includes a double bedroom, a single bedroom and an additional bathroom.Adjacent to the main house is an annex of about 90 square meters, currently used as a shed. The entire property is surrounded by a private plot of about 2.5 ha, which offers the opportunity to be developed in part as an elegant well-kept park, as well as allowing the construction of a large parking area. The property is easily accessible through a quiet country road.The farmhouse, dating back to before the twentieth century, has benefited from careful routine maintenance over the years. Outside, it is distinguished by its characteristic stone facades, which give a rustic and authentic charm. The interiors, however, are enriched by elegant terracotta floors, ceilings with exposed wooden beams and terracotta tiles and wooden fixtures.The property is fully functional, has all the main services and is correctly connected to all utilities. The water supply is guaranteed by connection to the public aqueduct and the imhoff sewerage system is present. The heating system is autonomous and fueled by diesel.This beautiful property is ideal for those who want to live surrounded by nature. Situated in a strategic position, it offers easy access to the artistic and historical wonders of Tuscany. Podere Tarlatello also has considerable potential for transformation: in view of future renovation, it could be considered to convert the Ground Floor, currently used as a warehouse and shed, into a cozy living area of the house. On the first floor, you would have the opportunity to create a sleeping area with several bedrooms, complete with bathroom ensuite, for optimal comfort. The property is located between Cetona (4.5 km) and Chiusi (7 km), two beautiful municipalities of Valdichiana Senese rich in history and charm. On the border between Tuscany and Umbria, the property is about 10 km from the motorway exit of Chiusi-Chianciano Terme and 7 km from the railway station of Chiusi, an important junction on the Florence-Rome line. The nearest airports are: Perugia-San Francesco d'Assisi (PEG) at about 55 km; Florence-Peretola (FLR) at about 120 km; Pisa-Galileo Galilei (PSA) at about 150 km; Rome-Fiumicino (FCO) and Roma-Ciampino (CIA), both at about 180 km.The Great Estate group carries out a technical due diligence on each property acquired, through the seller's technician, which allows us to know in detail the urban and cadastral situation of each property. This due diligence may be requested by the customer at the time of a real interest in the property.This property is registered in the name of a natural person(s) and the sale will be subject to registration tax according to current regulations (see private purchase costs).
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Das Bauernhaus Podere Tarlatello liegt inmitten der toskanischen Täler und ist vollständig von einer üppigen Vegetation umgeben. Es erstreckt sich über zwei Ebenen und hat eine Wohnfläche von etwa 280 Quadratmetern. Das Obergeschoss ist über eine Außentreppe mit dem Erdgeschoss verbunden und führt zu einer sehr attraktiven, 12 qm großen Loggia, von der aus man einen herrlichen Blick auf die grünen Hügel hat. Das Erdgeschoss wird als Lager und Schuppen genutzt, kann aber auch zu Wohnzwecken umgebaut werden. Im ersten Stock, der über eine Außentreppe erreichbar ist, befindet sich der Wohnbereich, der aus einem Wohnzimmer, einem Esszimmer und einer Küche mit Bad besteht, umrahmt von großen, hellen Fenstern mit Blick auf den Garten. Ein kurzer Flur führt zum Schlafbereich, der aus einem Doppel- und einem Einzelzimmer sowie einem weiteren Bad besteht. Die Immobilie ist über eine abgelegene Landstraße zu erreichen und ist daher für alle attraktiv, die Ruhe, Privatsphäre und Abgeschiedenheit suchen. Es gibt zwei Zugänge mit den entsprechenden Toren. Angrenzend an das Bauernhaus befindet sich ein ca. 90 qm großes Nebengebäude, das als Lagerraum genutzt werden kann. Das Grundstück, das das Anwesen umgibt, ist ca. 2,5 ha groß und komplett eingezäunt. Das Anwesen verfügt über mindestens vier Parkplätze.Das Bauernhaus wurde vor dem 20. Jahrhundert erbaut und wurde im Laufe der Jahre regelmäßig instand gehalten. Von außen hat es eine Steinfassade, während das Innere mit Terrakottaböden und Holzeinbauten ausgestattet ist.Die Immobilie ist voll funktionsfähig, verfügt über alle wichtigen Anschlüsse und ist korrekt an alle Versorgungseinrichtungen angeschlossen. Alle Installationen entsprechen dem Standard und sind voll funktionsfähig. Die Wasserversorgung ist durch den Anschluss an die öffentliche Wasserleitung gewährleistet, und es gibt ein Imhoff-Abwassersystem. Die Heizungsanlage ist autonom und wird mit Heizöl betrieben.Ein herrliches Anwesen perfekt für diejenigen, die das Leben inmitten der Natur und in absoluter Ruhe lieben. Ideal gelegen für den Besuch der schönsten Gegenden und Städte reich an Kunst und Geschichte der Toskana. Es könnte auch eine ausgezeichnete Übernachtungseinrichtung werden.Das Anwesen befindet sich zwischen Cetona und Chiusi, zwei schönen Städten in der Valdichiana Senese reich an Geschichte und Charme. An der Grenze zwischen Umbrien und der Toskana, ist das Anwesen etwa 10 km von der Autobahnausfahrt Chiusi Chianciano Terme entfernt.Die Great Estate Gruppe erstellt über den Fachmann des Verkäufers eine Due Diligence für jede Immobilie, was es uns ermöglicht, die Situation jeder Immobilie bezüglich Städtebau und Kataster genau zu kennen. Bei ernsthaftem Interesse an der Immobilie kann die Due Diligence angefordert werden.Die Immobilie ist auf den Namen einer oder mehrerer natürlicher Personen eingetragen und der Verkauf unterliegt der Grunderwerbssteuer gemäß den geltenden Vorschriften (siehe Kosten des privaten Kaufs).
Il casale Podere Tarlatello è incastonato nelle vallate circostanti le località di Cetona e Chiusi, nella bellissima Provincia di Siena. Interamente circondato da una ricca vegetazione, il casale è disposto su due livelli e possiede una superficie lorda abitabile, di circa 280 mq. Il Piano Terra, attualmente destinato a magazzino e rimessa, offre l'opportunità di essere trasformato in uno spazio residenziale, in vista di una futura ristrutturazione che possa valorizzare appieno le potenzialità di questo affascinante casale. Al Piano Primo, che oggi rappresenta il cuore pulsante del fabbricato, si accede tramite la caratteristica scala esterna originale, tipica dei casali toscani. Questa scala conduce a una loggia di 12 mq, che regala una vista mozzafiato sulle colline circostanti. Il Piano Primo si apre su un'ampia area living, composta da un soggiorno, una sala da pranzo e una cucina, completata da un bagno. L'intero spazio è incorniciato da grandi vetrate che offrono una luminosità straordinaria e una vista sul giardino. Proseguendo lungo un breve corridoio, si giunge alla zona notte, che comprende una camera matrimoniale, una camera singola e un ulteriore bagno.Adiacente al casale padronale si trova un annesso di circa 90 mq, attualmente utilizzato come rimessa. L’intera proprietà è circondata da un terreno privato di circa 2,5 ha, che offre l'opportunità di essere sviluppato in parte come un elegante parco ben curato, oltre a consentire la realizzazione di un’ampia area parcheggio. La proprietà è facilmente accessibile attraverso una tranquilla strada di campagna.Il casale, risalente a prima del XX secolo, ha beneficiato di un'attenta manutenzione ordinaria nel corso degli anni. All'esterno, si distingue per le sue caratteristiche facciate in pietra, che conferiscono un fascino rustico e autentico. Gli interni, invece, sono arricchiti da eleganti pavimenti in cotto, solai con travi in legno a vista e pianelle in cotto ed gli infissi in legno.La proprietà è perfettamente funzionante, dispone di tutti i principali servizi ed è correttamente allacciata a tutte le utenze. L’approvvigionamento idrico è garantito dall’allaccio all’acquedotto pubblico ed è presente il sistema fognario imhoff. Il sistema di riscaldamento è autonomo ed alimentato a gasolio.Questa splendida proprietà è l'ideale per chi desidera vivere immerso nella natura. Situata in una posizione strategica, offre facile accesso alle meraviglie artistiche e storiche della Toscana. Podere Tarlatello presenta inoltre notevoli potenzialità di trasformazione: in vista di una futura ristrutturazione, si potrebbe considerare di convertire il Piano Terra, attualmente adibito a magazzino e rimessa, in un'accogliente zona giorno del casale. Al Primo Piano, si avrebbe l'opportunità di realizzare una zona notte con diverse camere da letto, complete di bagno ensuite, per un comfort ottimale.La proprietà è ubicata tra Cetona (4,5 km) e Chiusi (7 km), due bellissimi Comuni della Valdichiana Senese ricchi di storia e di fascino. Al confine tra Toscana e Umbria, la proprietà dista circa 10 km dal casello autostradale di Chiusi-Chianciano Terme e c.ca 7 km dalla stazione ferroviaria di Chiusi, importante snodo sulla linea Firenze-Roma. Gli aeroporti più vicini sono: Perugia-San Francesco d'Assisi (PEG) a circa 55 km; Firenze-Peretola (FLR) a circa 120 km; Pisa-Galileo Galilei (PSA) a circa 150 km; Roma-Fiumicino (FCO) e Roma-Ciampino (CIA) entrambi a circa 180 km.Il gruppo Great Estate su ogni immobile acquisito effettua, tramite il tecnico del cliente venditore, una due diligence tecnica che ci permette di conoscere dettagliatamente la situazione urbanistica e catastale di ogni proprietà. Tale due diligence potrà essere richiesta dal cliente al momento di un reale interesse sulla proprietà.L'immobile è intestato a persona/e fisica/e e la vendita sarà soggetta a imposta di registro secondo le normative vigenti (vedi costi di acquisto da privato).
Фермерский дом Podere Tarlatello расположен в долинах, окружающих старинные городки Четона и Кьюзи, в великолепной провинции Сиена. Двухэтажный дом в окружении зелени имеет общую жилую площадь около 280 кв. м. Первый этаж, который в настоящее время используется как склад/мастерская, может быть преобразован в жилое помещение в свете будущей реконструкции, которая сможет полностью раскрыть потенциал этого очаровательного фермерского дома. На второй этаж, который сегодня представляет собой "ядро" здания, можно попасть по оригинальной внешней лестнице, типичной для тосканских фермерских домов. Лестница ведет на лоджию площадью 12 кв. м, откуда открывается захватывающий вид на окружающие холмы. Этот этаж открывает просторную гостевую зону, состоящую из салона, столовой и кухни, а также ванной комнаты. Пространство с большими окнами, которые обеспечивают отличное освещение и открывают вид на сад. Пройдя по короткий коридор, можно пройти в спальную зону, которая включает в себя семейную спальню, спальню и ванную комнату. Рядом с домом имеется постройка площадью около 90 кв. м, которая в настоящее время используется в качестве сарая. Дом окружен частной территорией площадью около 2,5 га, на которой можно разбить элегантный парк, а также создать большую парковку. До собственности можно легко добраться по тихой проселочной дороге.
The farmhouse Podere Tarlatello is nestled in the valleys surrounding the towns of Cetona and Chiusi, in the beautiful province of Siena. Entirely surrounded by a rich vegetation, the house is on two levels and has a gross living area of about 280 square meters. The Ground Floor, currently destined for storage and shed, offers the opportunity to be transformed into a residential space, with the possibility of a future renovation that can fully exploit the potential of this charming farmhouse. The first floor, which today represents the beating heart of the building, is accessed via the characteristic original external staircase, typical of Tuscan farmhouses. This staircase leads to a 12 square metre loggia, which offers a breathtaking view of the surrounding hills. The first floor opens onto a large living area, consisting of a living room, a dining room and a kitchen, completed by a bathroom. The entire space is framed by large windows that offer an extraordinary brightness and a view of the garden. Continuing along a short corridor, you reach the sleeping area, which includes a double bedroom, a single bedroom and an additional bathroom.Adjacent to the main house is an annex of about 90 square meters, currently used as a shed. The entire property is surrounded by a private plot of about 2.5 ha, which offers the opportunity to be developed in part as an elegant well-kept park, as well as allowing the construction of a large parking area. The property is easily accessible through a quiet country road.The farmhouse, dating back to before the twentieth century, has benefited from careful routine maintenance over the years. Outside, it is distinguished by its characteristic stone facades, which give a rustic and authentic charm. The interiors, however, are enriched by elegant terracotta floors, ceilings with exposed wooden beams and terracotta tiles and wooden fixtures.The property is fully functional, has all the main services and is correctly connected to all utilities. The water supply is guaranteed by connection to the public aqueduct and the imhoff sewerage system is present. The heating system is autonomous and fueled by diesel.This beautiful property is ideal for those who want to live surrounded by nature. Situated in a strategic position, it offers easy access to the artistic and historical wonders of Tuscany. Podere Tarlatello also has considerable potential for transformation: in view of future renovation, it could be considered to convert the Ground Floor, currently used as a warehouse and shed, into a cozy living area of the house. On the first floor, you would have the opportunity to create a sleeping area with several bedrooms, complete with bathroom ensuite, for optimal comfort. The property is located between Cetona (4.5 km) and Chiusi (7 km), two beautiful municipalities of Valdichiana Senese rich in history and charm. On the border between Tuscany and Umbria, the property is about 10 km from the motorway exit of Chiusi-Chianciano Terme and 7 km from the railway station of Chiusi, an important junction on the Florence-Rome line. The nearest airports are: Perugia-San Francesco d'Assisi (PEG) at about 55 km; Florence-Peretola (FLR) at about 120 km; Pisa-Galileo Galilei (PSA) at about 150 km; Rome-Fiumicino (FCO) and Roma-Ciampino (CIA), both at about 180 km.The Great Estate group carries out a technical due diligence on each property acquired, through the seller's technician, which allows us to know in detail the urban and cadastral situation of each property. This due diligence may be requested by the customer at the time of a real interest in the property.This property is registered in the name of a natural person(s) and the sale will be subject to registration tax according to current regulations (see private purchase costs).
Typ ogłoszenia:
Na sprzedaż
Typ nieruchomości:
Dom & dom jednorodzinny
Podtyp nieruchomości:
Gospodarstwo rolne
Wielkość działki :
25 730 m²