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Dom & dom jednorodzinny for sale in Stara Zagora

721 814 PLN

Dom & dom jednorodzinny (Na sprzedaż)

Źródło: EDEN-T98916716 / 98916716
!! NO COMMISSION FOR THE BUYER!! EuroZara Imoti is pleased to EXCLUSIVELY present to you the CONSTRUCTION of a complex of reinforced concrete, energy-efficient houses in the village of Malka Vereya. Modern construction faces many challenges in order to meet the requirements of the modern customer for short lead times, but at the same time high quality is sought without any compromises in execution. In this regard, it is a privilege for us to present you a new generation of houses in sync with the world standards for energy-saving and environmentally friendly construction, for the creation of which sandwich panels are used, which are distinguished by exceptional expediency and functionality. They are made of three layers of profiled sheet metal and have thermal insulation properties. They have a filling in the middle, which is made of polyurethane. The material is characterized by very high sound insulation, water resistance and fire resistance. The thermal insulation characteristic of sandwich panels exceeds the thickness of a brick wall of 570 mm. It is extremely important to note that sandwich panel walls can increase the usable area from 8% to 10%, which will definitely delight the modern buyer, who is becoming more and more sensitive to the difference in the actual area used and the area of the property he pays. The complex will consist of 11 houses, each of which is separated into a separate plot of 500 sq.m., surrounded by a fence with a concrete base. Each house will be issued according to BDS, completely finished from the outside, with external and internal insulation, mineral plaster and natural stone and etalbond cladding. The yard will have separate paths and parking spaces. Our customers will have options to choose from two options for the internal distribution of the houses. At the moment, there is one fully finished house, which is available for viewing by each of our clients. Payment options are flexible according to the stages of construction and tailored to the individual capabilities of potential buyers. If you are one of the people who dream of living in a house, but in absolute proximity to the city and want to enjoy the freedom, nature and tranquility of the village of Malka Vereya, we are here to make this dream come true! Do not hesitate to contact us for any additional questions regarding distributions, prices and payments. EuroZara Imoti offers FREE assistance in case of need for bank financing. Zobacz więcej Zobacz mniej !!БЕЗ КОМИСИОНА ЗА КУПУВАЧА!! ЕвроЗара Имоти има удоволствието ЕКСКЛУЗИВНО да Ви представи СТАРТИРАЛО СТРОИТЕЛСТВОТО на комплекс от стоманобетонни, енергоефективни къщи в с. Малка Верея. Модерното строителство е изправено пред много предизвикателства с цел да покрие изискванията на съвременният клиент за кратки срокове на изпълнение , но в същото време се търси високо качество без каквито и да е било компромиси в изпълнението. В тази връзка за нас е привилегия да ви презентираме едно ново поколение къщи в синхрон със световните стандарти за енергоспестяващо и щадящо околната среда строителство, за създаването на които се използват сандвич панели, които се отличават с изключителна целесъобразност и функционалност. Те са изградени от три пласта профилирана ламарина и имат топлоизолационни свойства. Имат пълнеж в средата, който е от полиуретан. Материалът се характеризира с много висока звукоизолация, водоустойчивост и пожароустойчивост. Топлоизолационната характеристика на сандвич панелите надхвърля дебелината на тухлената стена от 570 mm. Изключително важно е да се отбележи, че стените от сандвич панели могат да увеличат използваемата площ от 8% до 10% , което определено ще зарадва съвременният купувач, който стават все по- чувствителен към разликата в реално използваната площ и площта на имота, която заплаща. Комплексът ще се състои от 11 броя къщи, всяка , от които обособена в отделен парцел от 500 кв.м., оградени от ограда с бетонна основа. Всяка къща ще се издава по БДС , напълно завършена отвън ,с външна и вътрешна изолация, минерална мазилка и облицовки от естествен камък и еталбонд. Дворът ще бъде с обособени пътеки и паркоместа. Нашите клиенти ще имат опции да избират от два варианта на вътрешно разпределение на къщите. Към текущият момент има една изцяло завършена къща, която е на разположение за оглед на всеки наш клиент. Опциите за разплащане са гъвкави спрямо етапите на строителство и съобразени с индивидуалните възможности на потенциалните купувачи. Ако вие сте от хората, които мечтаят за живот в къща, но в абсолютна близост до града и искате да се насладите на свободата, природата и спокойствието на с. Малка Верея, ние сме тук да сбъднем тази мечта! Не се колебайте да се обърнете към нас за всякакви допълнителни въпроси относно разпределения, цени и разплащания. ЕвроЗара Имоти предлага БЕЗПЛАТНО съдействие при нужда от банково финансиране. !! KEINE PROVISION FÜR DEN KÄUFER!! EuroZara Imoti freut sich, Ihnen EXKLUSIV den BAU eines Komplexes von energieeffizienten Häusern aus Stahlbeton im Dorf Malka Vereya vorstellen zu können. Modernes Bauen steht vor vielen Herausforderungen, um den Anforderungen des modernen Kunden nach kurzen Lieferzeiten gerecht zu werden, gleichzeitig wird aber eine hohe Qualität ohne Kompromisse in der Ausführung angestrebt. In diesem Zusammenhang ist es uns ein Privileg, Ihnen eine neue Generation von Häusern vorzustellen, die den Weltstandards für energiesparendes und umweltfreundliches Bauen entsprechen und für deren Herstellung Sandwichpaneele verwendet werden, die sich durch außergewöhnliche Zweckmäßigkeit und Funktionalität auszeichnen. Sie bestehen aus drei Schichten Profilblech und haben wärmeisolierende Eigenschaften. Sie haben in der Mitte eine Füllung, die aus Polyurethan besteht. Das Material zeichnet sich durch eine sehr hohe Schalldämmung, Wasserbeständigkeit und Feuerbeständigkeit aus. Die Wärmedämmung von Sandwichpaneelen übersteigt die Dicke einer Ziegelmauer von 570 mm. Es ist äußerst wichtig zu beachten, dass Sandwichpaneelwände die Nutzfläche von 8% auf 10% erhöhen können, was den modernen Käufer definitiv begeistern wird, der immer sensibler für den Unterschied zwischen der tatsächlich genutzten Fläche und der Fläche der Immobilie wird, die er bezahlt. Der Komplex wird aus 11 Häusern bestehen, von denen jedes in ein separates Grundstück von 500 m² unterteilt ist, das von einem Zaun mit Betonsockel umgeben ist. Jedes Haus wird nach BDS ausgestellt, komplett von außen fertiggestellt, mit Außen- und Innendämmung, mineralischem Putz und Naturstein- und Etalbond-Verkleidung. Der Hof wird über separate Wege und Parkplätze verfügen. Unsere Kunden haben die Möglichkeit, zwischen zwei Optionen für die interne Aufteilung der Häuser zu wählen. Im Moment gibt es ein komplett fertiggestelltes Haus, das jedem unserer Kunden zur Besichtigung zur Verfügung steht. Die Zahlungsmöglichkeiten sind je nach Bauphase flexibel und auf die individuellen Fähigkeiten potenzieller Käufer zugeschnitten. Wenn Sie zu den Menschen gehören, die davon träumen, in einem Haus zu leben, aber in absoluter Nähe zur Stadt und die Freiheit, Natur und Ruhe des Dorfes Malka Vereya genießen möchten, sind wir hier, um diesen Traum wahr werden zu lassen! Zögern Sie nicht, uns für weitere Fragen zu Ausschüttungen, Preisen und Zahlungen zu kontaktieren. EuroZara Imoti bietet KOSTENLOSE Hilfe, falls eine Bankfinanzierung erforderlich ist. !! NO COMMISSION FOR THE BUYER!! EuroZara Imoti is pleased to EXCLUSIVELY present to you the CONSTRUCTION of a complex of reinforced concrete, energy-efficient houses in the village of Malka Vereya. Modern construction faces many challenges in order to meet the requirements of the modern customer for short lead times, but at the same time high quality is sought without any compromises in execution. In this regard, it is a privilege for us to present you a new generation of houses in sync with the world standards for energy-saving and environmentally friendly construction, for the creation of which sandwich panels are used, which are distinguished by exceptional expediency and functionality. They are made of three layers of profiled sheet metal and have thermal insulation properties. They have a filling in the middle, which is made of polyurethane. The material is characterized by very high sound insulation, water resistance and fire resistance. The thermal insulation characteristic of sandwich panels exceeds the thickness of a brick wall of 570 mm. It is extremely important to note that sandwich panel walls can increase the usable area from 8% to 10%, which will definitely delight the modern buyer, who is becoming more and more sensitive to the difference in the actual area used and the area of the property he pays. The complex will consist of 11 houses, each of which is separated into a separate plot of 500 sq.m., surrounded by a fence with a concrete base. Each house will be issued according to BDS, completely finished from the outside, with external and internal insulation, mineral plaster and natural stone and etalbond cladding. The yard will have separate paths and parking spaces. Our customers will have options to choose from two options for the internal distribution of the houses. At the moment, there is one fully finished house, which is available for viewing by each of our clients. Payment options are flexible according to the stages of construction and tailored to the individual capabilities of potential buyers. If you are one of the people who dream of living in a house, but in absolute proximity to the city and want to enjoy the freedom, nature and tranquility of the village of Malka Vereya, we are here to make this dream come true! Do not hesitate to contact us for any additional questions regarding distributions, prices and payments. EuroZara Imoti offers FREE assistance in case of need for bank financing. !! ¡¡SIN COMISIÓN PARA EL COMPRADOR!! EuroZara Imoti se complace en presentarles EN EXCLUSIVA la CONSTRUCCIÓN de un complejo de casas de hormigón armado y energéticamente eficientes en el pueblo de Malka Vereya. La construcción moderna se enfrenta a muchos desafíos para cumplir con los requisitos del cliente moderno para plazos de entrega cortos, pero al mismo tiempo se busca una alta calidad sin comprometer la ejecución. En este sentido, es un privilegio para nosotros presentarles una nueva generación de casas en sintonía con los estándares mundiales de construcción respetuosa con el medio ambiente y el ahorro de energía, para cuya creación se utilizan paneles sándwich, que se distinguen por una comodidad y funcionalidad excepcionales. Están hechos de tres capas de chapa perfilada y tienen propiedades de aislamiento térmico. Tienen un relleno en el medio, que está hecho de poliuretano. El material se caracteriza por un aislamiento acústico muy alto, resistencia al agua y resistencia al fuego. La característica de aislamiento térmico de los paneles sándwich supera el espesor de una pared de ladrillo de 570 mm. Es extremadamente importante tener en cuenta que las paredes de paneles sándwich pueden aumentar el área útil del 8% al 10%, lo que definitivamente hará las delicias del comprador moderno, que se está volviendo cada vez más sensible a la diferencia entre el área real utilizada y el área de la propiedad que paga. El complejo constará de 11 casas, cada una de las cuales está separada en una parcela separada de 500 metros cuadrados, rodeada por una valla con una base de hormigón. Cada casa se emitirá de acuerdo con la BDS, completamente terminada desde el exterior, con aislamiento externo e interno, yeso mineral y revestimiento de piedra natural y etalbond. El patio tendrá caminos separados y espacios de estacionamiento. Nuestros clientes tendrán opciones para elegir entre dos opciones para la distribución interna de las viviendas. En este momento, hay una casa completamente terminada, que está disponible para que la vea cada uno de nuestros clientes. Las opciones de pago son flexibles según las etapas de construcción y se adaptan a las capacidades individuales de los posibles compradores. Si eres de las personas que sueña con vivir en una casa, pero en absoluta proximidad a la ciudad y quieres disfrutar de la libertad, la naturaleza y la tranquilidad del pueblo de Malka Vereya, ¡estamos aquí para hacer realidad este sueño! No dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros para cualquier pregunta adicional sobre distribuciones, precios y pagos. EuroZara Imoti ofrece asistencia GRATUITA en caso de necesidad de financiación bancaria. !! PAS DE COMMISSION POUR L’ACHETEUR !! EuroZara Imoti a le plaisir de vous présenter EXCLUSIVEMENT la CONSTRUCTION d’un complexe de maisons en béton armé et économes en énergie dans le village de Malka Vereya. La construction moderne est confrontée à de nombreux défis afin de répondre aux exigences du client moderne pour des délais de livraison courts, mais en même temps, une qualité élevée est recherchée sans aucun compromis dans l’exécution. À cet égard, c’est un privilège pour nous de vous présenter une nouvelle génération de maisons en phase avec les normes mondiales en matière de construction économe en énergie et respectueuse de l’environnement, pour la création desquelles des panneaux sandwich sont utilisés, qui se distinguent par une rapidité et une fonctionnalité exceptionnelles. Ils sont constitués de trois couches de tôle profilée et ont des propriétés d’isolation thermique. Ils ont un rembourrage au milieu, qui est en polyuréthane. Le matériau se caractérise par une isolation acoustique très élevée, une résistance à l’eau et une résistance au feu. L’isolation thermique caractéristique des panneaux sandwich dépasse l’épaisseur d’un mur en briques de 570 mm. Il est extrêmement important de noter que les murs en panneaux sandwich peuvent augmenter la surface utilisable de 8% à 10%, ce qui ravira certainement l’acheteur moderne, qui devient de plus en plus sensible à la différence entre la surface réelle utilisée et la surface de la propriété qu’il paie. Le complexe sera composé de 11 maisons, chacune d’entre elles étant séparée en un terrain séparé de 500 m², entouré d’une clôture avec une base en béton. Chaque maison sera délivrée selon BDS, entièrement finie de l’extérieur, avec isolation extérieure et intérieure, enduit minéral et revêtement en pierre naturelle et Etalbond. La cour aura des chemins et des places de stationnement séparés. Nos clients auront la possibilité de choisir parmi deux options pour la distribution interne des maisons. À l’heure actuelle, il y a une maison entièrement finie, qui est disponible pour la visite de chacun de nos clients. Les options de paiement sont flexibles en fonction des étapes de la construction et adaptées aux capacités individuelles des acheteurs potentiels. Si vous faites partie des personnes qui rêvent de vivre dans une maison, mais à proximité absolue de la ville et que vous souhaitez profiter de la liberté, de la nature et de la tranquillité du village de Malka Vereya, nous sommes là pour réaliser ce rêve ! N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour toute question supplémentaire concernant les répartitions, les prix et les paiements. EuroZara Imoti offre une assistance GRATUITE en cas de besoin de financement bancaire.
Źródło: EDEN-T98916716
Kraj: BG
Miasto: Stara-Zagora
Kod pocztowy: 6045
Kategoria: Mieszkaniowe
Typ ogłoszenia: Na sprzedaż
Typ nieruchomości: Dom & dom jednorodzinny
Wielkość nieruchomości: 180



Średnia cena sprzedaży
Paź 2019
3 miesiące
1 rok
756 PLN


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